Sunday, December 13, 2009

this is it

I can't hold it anymore
all these feelings
trying to be free
waiting for the explosion in just mere seconds

I know
Why don't i just die?

Why don't you die for me?
That would be fun
It would be exciting

Just Imagine
All those blood that you spill
will make a beautiful ocean

All those feelings
will be gone for eternity

But then again,
do you know who i am?
An unidentified person?
an unexplainable feeling?

Stay focus
I'm not real
I'm just an imaginary thing
Vanishing toward the light

Good bye
I will take care of her

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Once, I thought, a never land is not real
Once, I thought, there are no such thing as friends forever
Once, I seek, a kindhearted person
Once, I knew, all of my dreams are useless

Twice, I keep, moving forward
Twice, I felt, so uneasy
Twice, I knew, my life is horrible
Twice, I thought, everything is just a game

More than that, I keep, falling apart in front of everyone
More than that, I seek, happiness that will never be there
More than that, I knew, I can feel very down

Now, do as I told
Now, make me calm
Now, make me smile

Then, I'll never be a normal person anymore

To that clear blue sky

Lately, when I am staring at the sky, I often think about my life. I thought that what would I do if the world is changing while I'm still here, waiting to be free? I never found the answer up until now. Yet, I keep staring at the sky, hoping that my wings of dreams would take me there, soaring through the peaceful breeze.

Lately, I have some brilliant ideas, about how to define myself and be a better person. I thought that every time I stare at the sky, they are lending me their hand, making me want to fly. I want to see the sky right in front of my eyes, very wide and touchable. At times like that, I feel like I'm more closer to my dreams and felt very calm.

Lately, I can feel the darkness raging inside me. They are begging to come out, making me deeper into my heart distortion. Yet I believe, the magical stars are on the work. They keep me accompanied every time I'm lonely. The night sky is very beautiful and have this elegant aura all around them.

When i look at the sky, I keep my eyes closed, listening to the sound of music, made by the nature itself. When I try to reach the sky, I keep jumping up and down, stretching my body more and more higher than before. When I see the moon, I keep my eyes wide open, enjoying the starry night with the beautiful moonlight. Ah, it's so beautiful.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Really, when you wish upon a star, what is it that you seek? Can you see what you wanted to have all this time? Is it really me that you wanted to have? All of these questions are inside my head. All of them wanted to get out of my head and I wanted to scream. What am I?

I'm not like an ordinary girl and not a human that you think I should be. Do you ever thought that you are seeing an illusion? Seeing someone who is manipulating you? Do you see me? Do you hear me? Why don't you touch me?

Every day I look up into the clear blue sky. But what I can see isn't a beautiful blue with beautiful sun rays, I can only see the black and the gray, shimmering through the yellow sun. I wanted to run and catch you. But, is it possible?

I wonder, do you love me? A sinner that will always hurt you. I'm not what you think I am, I'm just a passing sinner in this tiny world. Forget me. Leave me.

Saturday, October 31, 2009


I wanted to cry
I don't know where

I wanted to smile
I don't know how

I wanted to be free
I am tied by my words

I have so many adventures
I am stuck at this room

I wanted to be with the sun
I am tied by the moon

I wanted to be in the beautiful light
I am imprisoned by the darkness

I wanted my heart to be graceful
Violence are laced in it always

I wanted to say something nice and relaxing
No one would hear me saying it

I wanted to change
No one will ever care

I wanted to die
But there is so much to try

Do you all hate me?
I can't say a thing about my past
I can't say a thing about my feelings
It hurts so much

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The eyes of cats

Those sharp
The beauty
Of an eye

Lurking through the dark
Searching for its prey
Slowly but surely

Shows itself
Through an eye

Where the light shines
In the depth of darkness
Waiting for a miracle
To done the undone

When the sharpest one
Protects itself
Trying to stay alive

It went through the dark
Making its way
To me

Sunday, September 27, 2009

home is where the heart is

"home is where the heart is"
yes, i know that this is certainly a common sayings. But do understand that it is a very important quote. How about a little story.

I seldom went on an adventure with my boyfriend, Dave. He is sweet and always protect me whenever i'm in danger.

"Trace, let's go! We are going to investigate some cases in south africa now!"

whoops! Let's get going!
You see, we are traveling around the world to collect samples of new illness on animals. Especially the wild ones. My parents died on a trip to Europe.

That made me sad and i almost promise myself not to go anywhere except in my hometown, Seattle. But then i went to medical school for animals and met Dave. He showed me all the wonders of the world, making my life much brighter.

After we graduate, we made ourselves into a relationship and work at a near hospital. We then decided to travel and help animals (also people that are injured because of them) around the world.

Even if i am far from my hometown and went to many places. I never fear the word home sick. Because i know that Dave would be with me and protect me with all his strength. That's because, my home is when i am with him. Yes, home is where the heart is.

Well guys, Trace sure is lucky! Do you understand the quote now? I hope so... Enjoy your life!


satu huruf
tak mengungkap sebuah arti
tiada makna yang berarti

satu kata
tersebut perasaan
terurai dengan huruf
terukir indah di dalamnya

satu frase
tak terhingga maknanya
menyayat hati
mengukir senyum
sejenak dalam kepastian

satu kalimat
tampak cerita yang indah
pemandangan yang terbayang
tak bisa terlupakan

satu paragraf
suasana terasa
mendalami kata demi kata
menjadi sosok yang ada

satu cerita
usai sudah petualangan
kembali menutup mata
sang buku yang aman

sekarang ku berdiri sendiri
memandang langit penuh cerita
dimana bahasa bukan penghalang
melainkan penyatu bangsa


i thought
friendship will make it brighter
smiles will always be there
carved by their faces
staying there always

but it wasn't
emotions destroyed the peace
anger made the smiles upside down
while the atmosphere got darker

betraying one another
making teardrops turn red
slashing the trust that we built
with honor and respect

the wall got taller
separating one and another
frightened the people who believe

we all make mistakes
we have to accept reality
keeping hopes united with faith
where we gain trust

uncontroled emotions will only bring darkness
following the sins to hell

the heart will show some light
even if it just a slight
so trust each other
and don't go on your own

keep the treasure
together in faith
trust the heart
follow the wings

Saturday, September 26, 2009

one centimeter each day

At first
The darkness kept me companied
Alone in it for eternity
Shall I be captived

A shining tear fell
Making me one centimeter closer
To an emotion called sadness

A light made it through the dark
Showing a smile
Making me one centimeter closer to happiness

The way my hearts beat so fast
Scared of my loneliness
Making me one centimeter closer
To a strange fear

The way I want to be touched
Freed from the dark shadow
Making me one centimeter closer
To the warm light

In the end
I'm one centimeter closer
To you...

Monday, August 24, 2009


Every time I look at the sky, I felt so little like a mouse. The beautiful blue sky just lying there above my head, and I am standing under it every day of my life. I wonder when can I touch it? Feel it?

It's Impossible, isn't it? I'm not smart and I don't really want to be a pilot or an astronaut, so how can i really feel the atmosphere up there?

Monday, July 6, 2009

tralalala (8)

Do you like saying good bye and move towards your future?
Well, i never like it....

Have you ever think of the consequences? Like not able to see your friends anymore, like never going to go back again? or even never coming back and remember the sweet memories?

To be able to protect the one that you care so much...
To be able to see them smile and spend their time with you....
To be with your loved ones...

Your friends...
Your family...
Your boyfriend/girlfriend...

Every people is precious to someone...
doing whatever you pleased and abandoned their feeling is so stupid...

Let me ask you once more,
do you care for them the way they care for you?

Life is one big world and adventure for all of us...
and we only have one of it...
so treasure it!!!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Stars and Humans

The stars are always so beautiful... Standing beside the moon with its beautiful shining ray... But do you know that the stars age are very short in the galactical scale? Actually, I don't know myself... But if you see closely, sometimes the brightest star disappear frm the sky... And when just I wanted to see it.
Humans age are also short. No one is immortal and eternal. Only their souls are. At least, that is what I believe in. Well, as a human being, we will fall and also shine. When we shine and feel happy, we are like the stars. When the stars are shining brightly... The moon is like our companion. And also the sun. And when the star dimmed and died. The shining and glorious days are over. But some people will still remember it. As for humans? We die and burried deep in the ground. But our names and our deeds will still be remember by the person that we help, the person that really love us, the closest person in our life. That's why, when I see the stars in the nightsky... I can feel very calm and afraid in the same time. How about you?

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Bunga Indah dihamparan ladang kematian

Satu-satu aku sayang ibu...
Dua-dua aku sayang ayah...
Tiga-tiga sayang adek kakak...
satu dua tiga sayang semuanya...

Lagu kecil itulah yang pertama kali kudengar saat melewati panti asuhan kecil di desaku. Desa kami bisa dibilang sedikit lebih besar daripada desa sebelah. Ditambah, pertanian dan perternakan kami juga sangat sejahtera. Tapi, kami selalu mendapati anak-anak jalanan dan yatim piatu dari desa lain maupun dari jalan besar disamping.

"Kakak.... Panti Asuhan Aero mana ya? Kata mama, aku disuruh kesana... Soalnya di rumah enggak ada orang lagi..." kata seorang anak laki-laki di saat aku menyusuri sawah menuju rumah. Ia hanya membawa secarik kertas yang bahkan sudah kusam dan lecek. Pakaiannya robek dan membuat lubang-lubang yang besar. Alas kakinya pun hanya sebatas sandal yang bahkan sudah kekecilan. Rambutnya hitam dan pendek, sangat berantakan dan tak terawat. Kulitnya yang sawo matang terlihat kotor dan banyak luka. Tetapi, matanya menunjukkan sinar yang luar biasa.

"Kakak anterin ya?" Aku menjulurkan tangan dan menggandengnya. Tangannya yang kecil hangat sekali.

"Nama kakak siapa? Aku Robert..." katanya memulai pembicaraan di perjalanan kami.

"Nama kakak Sinta... Kamu umurnya berapa? Kok kamu bisa sampai ke desa ini?" tanyaku sambil akhirnya menggendong tubuhnya yang kecil di punggungku.

"Aku umurnya lima tahun, kak. Aku disuruh mama kesini lewat surat kecil yang kupegang... Kata mama, aku harus cari panti asuhan... Karena aku udah enggak boleh tinggal di rumah lagi..." katanya sambil membuka surat yang ia pegang. Kasihan sekali, pikirku. Anak yang baru berumur lima tahun ini sudah kehilangan ibunya dan juga rumahnya.

"Oh, tuh kamu lihat? Rumah kecil itu adalah rumah bagi 20 anak yang tidak punya orang tua... Mereka diasuh dan diajari berbagai macam hal disana layaknya anak-anak Ibu panti sendiri..." kataku sambil menurunkan Robert. Aku mengetuk pintu panti asuhan itu perlahan-lahan dan dengan sopan. Ibu Aisyah yang merupakan ibu panti membukanya dengan senyum.

"Sinta? Siapa anak kecil yang disampingmu itu? Anak yang kamu temukan lagi?" tanyanya sambil mengusap kepala Robert.

"Iya bu... Dia mencari panti asuhan ini melalui surat yang diberikan oleh ibunya..." kataku dengan senyum.

"Ibu... ini surat dari mamaku... katanya harus diberikan kepada ibu panti asuhan aero ini..." katanya dengan polos.

"Oh iya, terima kasih Sinta... Aku akan mengabarimu jika ada sesuatu lagi... Saya punya perasaan kalau kamu akan dibutuhkan kembali..." kata Ibu Aisyah.

"Iya bu... Robert, aku permisi dulu ya? Kak Sinta mau pulang... Besok kakak akan kembali kesini..." kataku sambil meninggalkan Robert dan Ibu Aisyah. Ternyata, memang ada suatu rahasia di balik panti asuhan yang ramah itu. Iya, rahasia yang tidak pernah diketahui olehku. Rahasia itu dikunci baik-baik oleh mereka. Dan rahasia itu dibongkar oleh kedatangan Robert yang kutemukan...


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It's all about you

In those past
I was not so sure about love
I was blunt
I was stupid
I was so innocent

Then you came to me
You taught me about light
You are the same too

You are blunt
You are so innocent
You are full of light

I am dark
I am full of mistakes
I am just a trash
That never deserved to live

But you only smile
You only laugh
You are so patient

I am so egoist
I am so selfish
All I want that day
Is only you..

Then I realize
I fall in love
Then I realiza
I fall into the light

I can now see
The smile on your handsome face

Thank you
You are perfect just the way you are now...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Random!!! Weehee!!!

Since I can't write for a while (don't have any inspiration), so I'm going to show you some funny videos!!!

So cute, hahaha...

Roxas and Riku are just too innocent there...

Don't know why, it's just funny...

It's somehow cool...

That's all... I'm working on a new story... In the meantime, enjoy these random videos! SMILE :)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Fatal Frame IV

So, I was just looking through a website and then I found the trailer of Fatal Frame IV, that will come out in wii (damn)... Anyway, these are some of the trailer that I found in YOUTUBE:

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Death Diary

21:57 Tuesday, 3rd June

I sleep like a log...
I somehow did not even care if i am still going to be alive tomorrow...
Now, I only wished he would be here, cheering me to write more than this...

12:17 Wednesday, 4th June

I have gone to school and went home. I picked little Ehna and went to my room. I never liked school and only went there because there is a memory about him, who was dead a year ago. Now, I am waiting for the Grim Reaper to come and take my soul...

13:53 Wednesday, 4th June

My somewhat called friend came and asked me for lunch. I accepted her offer and put Ehna on her own, up on my bed. I placed a fake smile and ate lunch with her, thinking about him. We always had a picnic under the tree on my backyard. He always smile and brushed my long and dark brown hair softly while I looked at the beautiful sky.

Suddenly, my friend shoook my shoulder and woke me up from my sorrowful day dream. It made me into a much horrible and desperate emotion.

02:03 Thursday, 5th June

I woke up suddenly and looked at the clock closely while rubbing my tiring eyes. It is still dark outside, with the moon shining over my dark and horrible room. I never knew that the night would be so cold. I look at the calendar in a glimpse. He was killed today by me and his funeral will be tomorrow. It will be one year of his death tomorrow. My tears came down from my eyes, one by another through my cheek. I wiped my tears and sleep once more.

17:11 Thursday, 5th June

I was walking through his house and saw him mother, who was cleaning his room. She saw me as she closed the window with a very quick speed. I know that she always hate me, as she knew that i am the one who killed her first, valueable, and beloved son. I ran as quick as I can towards my home and hide myself in my bedroom, letting my mom screamed at me. And there I was in my room, mourning in front of his picture.

07:00 Friday, 6th June

I woke up and get ready to his grave. i dressed all in black and went to a flower shop. His family already stood there, mourning and calling his name. I step aside and hide until they are gone. I fell asleep behind a tree.


"Cadra, please wake up... come to my grave and give me a smile..."

08:00 Friday, 6th June

His family were gone, so I got closer to his grave and placed the flower I bought earlier. I pray for his safety in the underworld and cried. I felt guilty for killing him in the past. He asked me to kill him, because he had a strange and dangerous illness that will make everyone around him dead as he touched them, including me. I agreed with a little drop of tear and killed him as quick as lightning, with him smiling to me and said, "Thank you, Cadra..."

His mother saw me and had me into the jail. I've paid my dues and was freed, but my feeling for him won't change.


After crying for a while, I felt him standing right next to me. Then I feel like I was floating around in the sky. When I met the Grim Reaper, I only smiled at him, as he laughed out loud and ripped me apart.


I am now dead. My soul and my body had been separated. But I am not sad, because he was right next to me. He smiled as i hug him tightly. He welcomed me to the heaven of what you called purity and Joy.


Crada Leona


John Grevenia



Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Black Birdcage

I want to break my little birdcage...
That had kept me away from the sunlight
Long enough to make me sick and one with the darkness

I found you
Who led me to light
Who led me to a warm and cozy place

You open the cage
Set me free
Made me laugh
Made me smile
Made me love you

I haven't felt like this
In ages
In centuries
In my eternal sorrowful life

I've found many men
Who only stared at me
Talk to me
And cheered me

But only you
Who bring me into the light
Who bring me into a bright and colorful life

Now I know,
That this is what you call a crush

I never knew
That it will be a very fun feeling
That it will be a very undependable decision

Now I have made my choice
I will follow you into the light
Out from my dark past
Into my bright future

I am not alone anymore
I am not one of the incapable beings anymore
I am now a girl who dare to dream as high as I can

All of that,
Is because you light up my candle

Thank you...
You bring me a soul full of light
Made my future more colorful

Together with you
Holding hands

Friday, April 3, 2009

The man who travelled for her

(picture taken from:

"Hey there mister, do you know what this little blade can do to your life?" a bear asked a man, who was walking through the dark and misty forest of Chandele. The bear was small enough, like a little teddy bear, except for the reason why he brought along a knife behind him.
"It can make me dead.... I have one too...." said the man with a smile. SLASH! the man slash the little bear and took out it's heart. He carried the knife and went on with his journey. He had a short brown hair with eyes as dark as the sky that night, synchronizing with his pale white beautiful skin. He walked through the trees, across the black colored river, when he met a little girl with a touch of blood around her.
(picture taken from: : Vampire Wars)
"Hi there mister, would you like to spin this wheel of fate and powers?" asked the little girl. The man only nodded with a smile and asked her what kind of consequences will it do to him. The little girl who introduced herself as MANDY laughed.
"It will either bring you a curse or a fortune spell.... But indeed, you have to pay with your delicious blood...." she said sweetly. The man nodded to her and slashed his arm with the knife he got from the little bear. The blood was gathered in a box by the little girl as the wheel spun around on its own.
"Powers... You have got yourself an immortal power from the elders... Congratulations... you may continue your journey..." she said while she made the man drank a box full of blood. "Don't even bother killing me, it's useless, 'cause I am a vampire..." she said. The man only grinned and continue his journey, passing through her and went into a mist. There, he met a little onion referee with a yellow card.
(picture taken from a site....)

"STOOOOP!!!" he said as he blew his little whistle and drew a yellow card out from his pocket.
"What is it this time?" the man said to the little referee. The little referee only laughed and asked him with a mischievous look.
"Do 20 rounds of push-ups if you want to pass the mist of sweat!" he said. The man only nodded as he grabbed his knife and put it on top of his head while he did his 20 rounds of push-ups.
While the referee looked down and unguarded, the man slashed him in two and made him like an onion slice. The man grinned and laughed a little while he continued his journey. Then he met an ending as he suspected. He was now on the shore, where his beloved Liona died years ago.
(picture taken from:

"Eric, you have finally come to see me" the ghost of Liona appeared right in front of the man.
"Liona, I know that you have been waiting for so long... I am now here to marry you..." Eric said kindly as he bowed down and uncover a ring.
"Please, don't die with me... You have to be alive.... As long as you are happy and alive, I will be happy and always wait for you in heaven..." she said kindly as she disappeared slowly.
"Alright, I will do as you are told.... I will be going now..." Eric said as he leave the shore and went back to his dark and bloody life. Now the past had gone, the future will come, and I will be the same as always.


I won't die that easily

When you die,
I will stand right beside you

When you are alive,
I will be there
murdering you...

When you are in love,
I will be there
killing your loved ones

When you challenge me to death,
I will win
with your head cut off...

This world is full of demons
This world is full of dreams
This world is full of hopes
This world is not so fun

You will see...
I'll always be there
standing right besides you
when you have nothing at all

You will see...
I will be right beside you
Until your death came to find
and take you away from me...

I know I'm a little evil...
But I did it only...



Monday, March 2, 2009

Still Broken

When your heart is confused,
Where will you go?
Where will you hide your tears?
That is falling down slowly
From your eyes to your cheek

Is it natural?
That you felt broken in the inside
But you keep smiling on the outside
Because your loved ones are not with you anymore?

If you wanted to fly,
can you flap your wings?
When the other one is broken
Because your heart is also broken

I cannot fly
When I know that you are impossible
to reach or to get
to love or to like

Because being by my side
is already enough
seeing you smile
is already enough

Because I know
That I like you just the way you are
Even if you don't like me
I will still say
Thank you....

Saturday, January 31, 2009

A Heart in The Alley

In a sorrowful Sunday morning, a little girl with a black hooded sweatshirt walked through the road. The raindrops started to fell down through her cheek; first it’s just one then followed by another. She sees through the sky that was filled by dark clouds.

“The same Sunday as always, is it not, Kia?” A man approached the girl slowly. The girl only nodded her head and stayed in silence. The man then sat next to the girl, careful not to make much noise. He looked up to the sky as the little girl kept her mouth shut.

“When a boy meets a beautiful girl like you, he should be a lucky guy…” the man said to the girl.

Xezaminald had already rescued by Azaran and Tim. This is a story, when a 17 year-old named Kia and a man who worked there…

It all began after Kia knew that her beloved Zeran is going to marry Izara, a perfect girl with long blond hair and deep blue ocean eyes. Since then, she never talked anymore and always went to the alley every Sunday. And at that time, a man always showed up and tried to make her talk again. But she never responded and stayed in silence. The man loved her since he met Kia, but Kia never responded.

“Kia, please talk!” He said encouragingly. “There are a lot of boys in this world, not just him Kia!” He said to the girl shaking her shoulder patiently waiting for her to reply. But still, Kia is devoured by her silence. Her eyes are both spaced out and there is nothing you could feel. She just stared through the sky on that rainy Sunday. That man always tried to woke her from the long slumber every time.

“I’ll come back next Sunday!” he tapped her shoulder. “And by that time, I’ll make sure you would talk to me and smile!” He said to Kia. He blends into the darkness once more and disappear. “I want to talk to you, you are the only man that made my heart blooms every time you touch me. I am starting to like you since then and still now….” Kia thought about it always but she kept it inside her heart and never let anyone heard it out loud.

It seems that every Sunday, the rain always fall at the alley. As usual, Kia already stands there, soaking wet to the bore.

That man won’t come,” said Kia in her heart. But this time, Kia is starting to talk. She let her heart do the talk and her eyes are starting to shine. “Rain rain goes away… Come again another day,” with her beautiful voice she sang, her voice ringing through the rain.

“That’s a beautiful voice you got.” The man came and stands next to her. Kia jerked, she was very startled and then she ran away from that man.

“Wait, Kia!” He ran after her. They ran through the rain. The alley is pretty big; they ran up and down the alley until they reach the highest building. Finally the man caught Kia and settled her down. Kia is still struggling through his hold, but it’s still useless. So she gave up and fell down to the man’s leg.

He went to his knees and said, “Are you okay?” He asked Kia as if nothing happened to them. He looked at Kia lovingly; aiming straight to her eyes, making Kia blushed and turned her head around. Her heart told her to say something, but she was too nervous, her throat is dry that she cried.

“It’s okay Kia, you don’t have to force yourself,” He smiled to Kia while the rain is still falling heavily to the ground. Kia wanted to say something so badly that she stood up and bumped his head. She didn’t notice that a rock was there and she tripped, making her position even worse. She almost fell down the building, when that man saved her life. He was very relieved that Kia didn’t fell down and hugged her tightly.

“Thank you…” Finally Kia talked to the man. “Thank you, Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!” she said it for thousand times until that man closed her mouth and carried her to a dry place near there. It was a little room with a fireplace and some towels, a bed, and a small table with a chair. He lighten up the fireplace and starting to dry up Kia’s hair with a towel. He offered Kia nice chocolate milk and sat down on the chair while he told her that she could sit down on the bed.

“Thank you. By the way, can I ask your name?” Kia asked him softly.

“I am Yano Yezarive. I believe that you are miss Kia Krenozile, age 17 and the daughter of Kristal Krenozile?” He said nicely.

“Yes, but how do you know me?” Kia’s confused, but she tried to keep her voice polite.

“You really don’t remember anything?” He threw another stick to the fireplace while Kia only nodded her head. “It was one year ago, when everyone still haven’t got the announcement of Zeran and Izara’s wedding. You were standing at the alley alone, singing a beautiful song while seeing through the beautiful sky. Since that Sunday morning, I fell in love with you. When I see you at the alley again the next day, I was sad and disappointed. You didn’t sing any song and only looked at the gloomy raindrops. That’s why, I always come to you. Because I wanted to cheer you and see you smile. That is when I started to know you and searched for your name and families…” Yano said with an expression that made Kia laughed so hard that she fell down and made them both lying on the floor. Kia smiled and laughed at Yano, making Yano blushed and laughed together with her.

“I love you so much Yano, I really do. You are the one who teach me and motivated me about what life and love is like, Thank you so much!” Kia hugged Yano tightly.

“Hey Kia, I wanted to ask you something….” Yano said rubbing Kia’s head softly while he was looking to the rooftop of the room.

“Yes, what is it Yano?” She replied innocently.

“Can I kiss you?” Yano asked her softly with his face started to blush.

“Of course, and you will….” They kiss each other desperately for a long time. And Kia can only come to one conclusion, “Ahh… So this is what love is…

BETA reader: Almira Isnanda

Friday, January 30, 2009

Song list Mira 2- ehehe

Part 2 my friends!!!!

atau linknya:

atau linknya:

(sorry, the embedding is disabled) :

atau linknya:

atau linknya:

or the link:

(embedding disabled):

(embedding disabled):

or the link:

and plese tell me which one do you like ok? I really need the data and soon!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Song list Mira - ehehe

I know this is crazy, but I need to search for a song... Here are some of the request that my friend made:

atau linknya:

atau linknya:

atau linknya:

tolong kasih tau yang bagus yang mana ya?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Amerald info

Maaf banget you all.... Amerald gw lg di-edit dan gw lg bikin beberapa side story after and before untuk Amerald yang ada Tim dan Azra. Ntar dh gw langsung masukin klo udah slese ujian juga!! Karena saya stres berat, tapi gw tetep minta pada ngedukung gw buat nyelesein Ameraldnya ya, AMIN!!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Zombie Loan

Just for little information, I will tell you another creation by Peach-Pit except for Rozen Maiden and Shugo Chara. It is call by the name of Zombie Loan!!!Yippie!!
Michiru Kita is a special girl who possesses Shinigami Eyes, a power which allows her to see a person's nearness to their destined death by seeing a ring, invisible to normal people, around the person's neck. When a person is marked to die, a gray ring appears, which darkens over time. Once the ring turns completely black, the person dies (whether by natural causes or an accident). Chika Akatsuki and Shito Tachibana, two boys in her class, both have black rings around their necks, but to her surprise, they are not yet dead. It is revealed that after a tragic accident that was supposed to kill them both, the two boys made a deal with a secret loan office called the Zombie-Loan. In return for keeping them alive, the two have to hunt zombies for the loan office. When Michiru gets involved with them, she finds that her life has just become more complicated.
Michiru Kita (紀多 みちる)
Michiru possesses Shinigami Eyes, which allows her to see a ring on a person's neck, indicating their impending death. However, she has hated her gift ever since she saw dark rings around her parents' necks, who died in an accident after the rings turned jet black. She now wears glasses that can subdue her gift, allowing her to live her life normally. Although, since the death of her parents, she has felt a numb complacency with life, living it out, but having no will to achieve anything or even care if she dies or not, an attitude which disgusts Shito.
Michiru first meets Chika and Shito in the hallways of her school, accidentally tripping over Chika's hand. After she ends up finding out their secret, they initially think of killing her, but when they find out that she has Shinigami Eyes, they instead inform her that she will be using her powers to help them fight zombies, despite her protests. After various failures and meeting other members of the Z-Loan office, Michiru comes to accept her new job, Largely because of the debt Shito and Chika took on to keep her from dying.
She often takes the brunt of Chika's abuse and is initially called '500-yen' by him, due to the fact that he believes she owes him ¥500. He later begins to call her a "gopher" since she often does what other people ask of her without question.
Chika Akatsuki (赤月 知佳)
Chika is referred to as "Boy B" or simply "B" ("B-san"), titles which greatly irritates him, after surviving an accident with Shito, known as "Boy-A", six months prior to the start of the series. His attitude is rather lively, but he is also short-tempered; he is often seen beating Michiru for her various failures. He begins to have feelings for Michiru.
Chika and Shito switch right hands, due to the fact that when they were revived, their right hands were attached to the other one. With Shito's right hand, which is actually Chika's original right hand, Chika has the ability to generate a katana possessing Shinigami abilities. With the katana, Chika is able to perform spiritual memorials for zombies they defeat. Though often seen with a short temper, Chika has a genuine care for those he defeats and often performs their memorial with great sympathy. Though they have free will and emotions, both Chika and Shito are still considered zombies, so their ultimate goal is to regain their lives once again.
Shito Tachibana (橘 思徒,)
Shito is referred to as "Boy A" or simply "A" ("A-san") by most students in his school. Due to his looks and attitude, he is seen as an idol by the female students, though he seems to not care. He is generally a much more approachable person than Chika, but certain situations and people cause him to act cold and indifferent; when Michiru first told him that she had no real will to live, he told her how disgusted that made him feel, going on to say that he believes she does not deserve the right to live, but begins to warm up to her.
Shito is linked with Chika by a spiritual chain. When he attaches Chika's right hand, or rather his own original right hand, he can generate a 9½ inch Ruger Super Redhawk revolver, which has the power to harm zombies with its spiritual bullets using his own ectoplasm. Unlike Chika, Shito's life was not lost in the accident, and he has a different type of contract than Chika. Chika and Shito are always together due to the fact that their hands will rot if they are not within a certain distance of each other. Although Shito claims to not be able to stand Chika, he sometimes treats him as a friend or comrade.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

(Tugas) Membuat Web Page Power Point!!!

Mau tau gimana supaya Power Pointnya bisa dijadiin Web Page? Coba ikutin aja langkah-langkah dibawah... (udah ditambah screenshots lagi)

Maaf, tapi berhubung saya sedang memakai vista jadi screenshotsnya juga Microsoft Power Point yang 2007, tapi intinya nyaris sama kok...

1. Buat dulu Power Pointnya mau gimana... Animation dkk. juga boleh ditambahin kok... Seperti yang anda inginkan...

atau bisa buka File trus klik Open dan pilih dokumennya....

2. Trus, klik File dan klik lagi Save As Webpage.... tapi sayangnya kalau untuk vista yang Microsoft Power Point harus klik yang tanda Windows, Save As.. dan pilih Save As another Format seperti yang ada di bawah ini

Baru bisa save as web page seperti yang terlihat di bawah ini...

dan nanti setelah sudah jadi, kita bisa membukanya lewat

3. Nanti kalau kita buka, inilah tampilan yang akan kita dapat

dan selesai sudah, mudah bukan?

Eh, sebenarnya ada satu cara lagi, mau tau?

1. Klik kanan pada file yang udah di Save sebagai Power Point

2. Terus pilih Open With... Internet Explorer...

Udah slesai kan? Asal sabar pasti jadi juga

Trus karna disuruh posting ke blog ya saya pos-kan saja.... Ini kira-kira contoh dari hasil karya tersebut, untuk yang tidak suka Final Fantasy VII bagian Crisis Core, saya sarankan untuk tidak melihat saja, karena memang pada dasarnya tidak penting..... Final Fantasy VII.htm

Nah yang satu ini sebenarnya tugas di sekolah, tapi karena pas mau dimasukkin ke blog blom ada file-nya. Jadi ya ini buatan ulang gitu deh.... Kelas 9B.htm

Kalau tidak ingin membaca dan meng-klik link-nya ya gampang aja deh... Tidak usah dibaca dan di-klik sudah cukup....

Anyway, Thank you for reading and visiting my site -_- Arigato -_-

Sunday, January 4, 2009

what if?

What if?
Our world is turned around
And your feeling is going to fade

What if?
Our life is getting shorter
Each day each month each year

What if?
I led myself to where you are
And you are not there

What if?
I got myself caught
In an unending world of betrayal

Would I be the same?
Would you change?
Would we still know each other?

Nothing will be the same tomorrow
Cause the future is a total mystery

Like they said:
"The past is a history, the future is the mystery, and the present is a gift"

So I try to live at the present
But the past is still haunting me
What should I do?
If I also live for tomorrow?

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Biodata from Amerald (gambar dari adek gw) 2

The Boy:
Name: Zeran Zisgov
Age: Including Xezaminald time stopped: 24 years old, excluding Xezaminald time stopped: 21 yeras old
Birthday: 21st March
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 55 kg (maybe?)
Hobby: Reading and practice on shooting
Job: The head of A-I families in Xezaminald
Power: Eliminate any creatures with his sword and gun
Eyes: as Red as blood
Hair: Black and a little messy
Motto: "Protect Izara, my family, and make Xezaminald's worker happy...."
The girls:
Name: Zena Zisgov
Age: Including Xezaminald time stopped: 10 years old, excluding Xezaminald time stopped: 7 years old
Birthday: 3rd January
Height: 100 cm
Weight: 20 kg
Hobby: cooking, singing, and playing with Izara's little sister
Job/school: The leader of all childrens in Xezaminald
Power: Controling water
Eyes: as Red as Blood
Hair: Black, straight, and long
Motto: "Stop talking and do some actions"
Name: Izara Loramalde
Age:Including Xezaminald time stopped: 21 years old, excluding Xezaminald time stopped: 18 years old
Birthday: 19th November
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 48 kg
Hobby: cooking, reading, protecting her little sister, and make everyone happy
Job: Led people their rightful place in Amerald
Power: Removing one of the body parts of somone without hurting him/her with magic
Eyes: Deep blue
Hair: Blond and long
Motto: "Just smile and see that the others are also smiling makes me happy"
Name: Iriana Loremalde
Age: Including Xezaminald time stopped: 14 years old, excluding Xezaminald time stopped: 11 years old
Birthday: 2nd February
Height: 130 cm
Weight: "Ask sister Izara! I don't know..."
Hobby: Anything is fine as long as it is FUN
Job: Baby sitting Zena
Power: Removing one of the body parts of somone without hurting him/her with magic
Eyes: Deep blue
Hair: Blond and Long
Motto: "I love my sister! I also love anything as long as it is FUN to do!"

Biodata from Amerald (gambar dari adek gw)

Name: Azaran Norwenian

Age: 16th years old
Birtrhday: 13 May
Height: 150 cm

Weight: "do i have to? it is a secret...."

Hobby: Day dreaming and yoga

School: Georgia Dicipline Academy

Power: Healing, Flying, and Magic
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black and long

Motto: "I will protect the one who are cherish so that thing wont happen again"

Name: Tim Aranorth

Age: 17th years old

Birthday: 24th December

Height: 170 cm

Weight: "Sorry, I forgot... I haven't check it yet...."

Hobby: Reading, watching Azra (?), and Adventuring

School: Georgia Dicipline Academy

Power: Strength and Speed

Eyes: Light blue

Hair: Black and so messy

Motto: "If I find the one who I cared about, I will protect that person with all I got!"

Friday, January 2, 2009

Angket untuk Kartul... Tolong diisi lewat komentar ya.... Thx

1. Apakah anda merupakan seseorang yang sering membaca buku fiksi?
a.Ya b. Tidak
2. Jenis buku apa saja yang anda baca?
3. Genre apa saja yang anda biasa baca? (bisa lebih dari satu)
__ Romansa
__ Persahabatan
__ Horor
__ Binatang mistik
__ dll. (sebutkan)________________________________________
4. Mengapa anda suka membaca buku fiksi?
5. Apakah anda pernah meniru salah satu karakter di buku yang anda baca?
a. Ya b. Tidak
6. (kalau Iya) Mengapa anda menirunya?
7. Bagaimana cara anda menerapkannya?
8. Dimanakah anda menerapkan karakter itu?
9. Apakah anda merasa cara berfikir anda terhadap dunia ini berubah
setelah membaca buku fiksi?
a.Ya b.Tidak
10. (kalau Iya) Dalam aspek manasajakah?

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hanya itu yang bisa kulakukan....

Aku anak umur Tujuh tahun yang masih tudak mengerti apa itu persahabatan. Di saat aku naik kelas dua, ada anak bernama Lina yang mengajakku bermain.
"Namamu Kiko kan? Anak perempuan yang selalu duduk sendiri di kelas satu. Kenalkan, namaku Lina. Bolehkah aku jadi temanmu?" tanyanya.
"Umm... boleh deh." kataku ragu-ragu.
"Terima kasih, duduk bareng aku yuk..." katanya lagi tersenyum lebar. Akhirnya secara resmi kami menjadi teman. Kami sekelas terus sampai kelas 5. Di kelas 5 ini, daya tahan tubuhku mulai melemah. Memang, dari kecil dokter pun sudah memvonis aku menderita kanker paru-paru. Ini dikarenakan bapakku yang selalu merokok. Tapi aku tidak ingin membuat Lina khawatir dan terus ke sekolah. Tetapi, Allah S.W.T. telah menetapkan takdirku. Minggu depan aku mulai harus dirawat di Rumah Sakit secara intensif.

"Kiko! Kita main ke Dufan yuk! Terus habis itu kita main di taman dekat rumahmu..." katanya dengan riang. Aku pun tersenyum dan mengangguk menandakan 'IYA'. Dan hari itu pun tiba, kami berangkat ke Dufan bersama-sama orang tuaku. Aku sudah berkata kepada mereka untuk tidak mengatakan sepatah kata pun kepada Lina supaya ia tidak khawatir terhadap kondisiku.
"Lihat Lina! Kita sudah sampai di Dufan!" kataku kepadanya sambil berlari menuju gerbang tiket. Iibu telah memberiku uang untuk masuk dan bekal untuk dimakan. Sekarang jam 10.00 dan ibu akan menjemput kami jam 14.00 supaya kami masih sempat bermain di taman dekat rumahku. Rencananya juga Lina akan menginap malam itu. Karena tinggal besok saja aku bisa bertemu dengannya. Kami menaiki banyak wahana Dufan. Kami sangat senang hari itu. Di taman kami bermain ayunan seperti biasa. Tiba-tiba ada anak cowok yang lebih besar dan tua dariku menghampiri Lina. Mereka mulai memalak dan mendorong Lina dari ayunan.
"Hei kecil, kita mau main disini. Cepat pergi!" katanya sambil mendorong Lina. Tanpa sadar aku mendorong anak itu dari Lina.
"Kalau mau main gantian dong! Gak sopan tau kalau kayak gitu! Apalagi sama anak perempuan yang ukuran tubuhnya lebih kecil dari kamu!" kataku dengan keberanian yang entah datang dari mana.
"Kurang ajar! Liat saja nanti kalau kita ketemu lagi!" katanya lari pulang.
"Kiko? Makasih banyak ya!" kata Lina tersenyum.
"Iya sama-sama. Kamu terluka ya? Sepertinya tanganmu tulangnya patah..." kataku khawatir dan memegang tangannya.
"Ah iya, tapi gak terlalu parah kok Kiko. Kamu gak usah khawatir..." katanya mencoba untuk tegar.
"Ayo kita pulang, nanti aku bisa memperbaninya...." kataku sambil membantunya berdiri.
"Makasih banyak ya Kiko. Hari ini sangat menyenangkan lho! Coba setiap harinya bisa main terus sama Kiko! Ahaha, kenapa aku ngomong kayak gini ya? Padahal aku tahu kamu akan terus berada di sisiku sebagai sahabatku!" katanya menahan tangisan yang hampir keluar.
"Ah iya, aku akan selalu menjadi sahabatmu..." kata-kata itu keluar tanpa aku menyadarinya. Aku terharu dengan kata-katanya, padahal aku tahu aku tidak akan hidup lama. Aku tahu bahwa orang yang menderita kanker tidak akan hidup lama. Tidak seperti Lina yang bisa terus hidup sampai tua.
"Kiko, aku laper nih... Pulang ke rumahmu yuk." katanya sambil meraba-raba perutnya.
"Oh iya, kita makan yuk!" Aku membantunya berdiri dan menuntunnya ke rumahku. Di sana kami makan sate ayam dan sayur asem bikinan ibuku yang sangat enak. Dan di malam harinya aku melilitkan perban dan kayu sebagai penyangga tangannya. Dan Lina pun tersenyum dan tidur. Aku masih terbangun, aku membayangkan akan apa yang akan terjadi nanti di rumah sakit. Dan apa yang akan dirasakan Lina kutinggalkan begitu saja tanpa memberitahunya. Aku pun memutuskan untuk menulis surat kepadanya malam itu.

Esoknya, Lina pulang dan aku bersiap-siap untuk pergi ke Rumah Sakit. Tak lama setelah aku membereskan bajuku, dadaku sesak dan aku tidak bisa bernafas dengan benar lagi. Aku pun memanggil ibu, dan tidur dengan lelap. Setelah aku sadar, yang kulihat adalah wajah ibuku yang khawatir dan infus yang menancap di tanganku. Aku sudah berada di Rumah Sakit.
"Kiko, kamu sudah bangun nak?" kata Ibuku mengusap kepalaku. Aku berusaha untuk menjawabnya tetapi tidak bisa, aku hanya mengangguk dan tersenyum.
"Baiklah, kalau begitu kamu tidur lagi saja ya? Ibu mau memanggil Dokter dulu..." katanya beranjak dari tempat tidurku dan menutup pintu dengan pelan. Aku mulai menulis surat kepada Ibu, seandainya nanti aku akan pergi. Dokter pun masuk bersama Ibuku disampingnya.
"Selamat sore Kiko, bagaimana keadaanmu? Kita cek dulu ya?" katanya dengan sopan dan tersenyum. Ia melakukan berbagai macam pemeriksaan dan meninggalkanku sendirian lagi di kamar. Ibu mengikutinya keluar dari kamar. Entah kenapa aku merasa lebih ringan sekarang, aku juga merasa sudah waktunya aku pergi. Ibu mendatangiku dan teriak-teriak. Ah Ibu, aku tidak bisa mendengar kata-katamu lagi. Aku menunjuk kepada lemari dan tertidur pulas.

Hari pemakaman Kiko pun tiba, aku turut bersedih karenanya. Ia hanya hidup sesingkat itu dan tidak lagi tersenyum kepadaku. Dia terus melakukan apapun sampai aku bisa tersenyum. Aku juga masih ingat hari dimana kami bermain di taman. Ia dengan berani melawan orang-orang itu. Ibunya pun mendatangiku dan memberiku surat. Aku membuka surat itu dan membacanya.

Temanku tersayang dan Sahabatku pertama,

Aku minta maaf, aku tidak sempat memberitahumu tentang penyakitku. Aku tidak ingin kamu khawatir tentang keadaanku. Aku juga minta maaf karena aku tidak bisa banyak melakukan hal-hal yang berguna ataupun hal-hal yang bisa terkenang. Hanya inilah yang bisa kulakukan. Begitu juga saat-saat kita bersama adalah hal yang bisa kulakukan. Aku minta maaf, karena hanya itulah yang bisa kulakukan. Aku harap kamu bisa hidup bahagia walaupun aku tidak ada.

Salam terbaik dariku,

Aku mulai meneteskan air mata. Aku tidak tahu harus berbuat apalagi, karena sekarang Kiko sudah tidak ada lagi. Didalam surat itu juga ada beberapa lembar kertas yang merupakan diarinya bersamaku. Aku membacanya dan tanpa sadar aku mulai menangis.
"Kiko! Kenapa kamu harus pergi sekarang?! Bukankah kamu janji akan selalu berada disampingku dan menjadi sahabatmu?! Kiko, maafkan aku karena aku tidak bisa membantumu lebih dari ini! Maafkan aku sahabat terbaik.... Maafkan aku!" Isak tangis mulai terdengar dari belakangku. Semuanya menangis, karena mereka juga tahu bahwa Kiko adalah anak yang baik.
Selamat jalan sahabatku, Lina akan selalu menyimpan kenangan kita di hati.