Monday, December 20, 2010

A Letter of Tears

I was once a little girl that does not understand about the sky and what lies beyond our eyes. Then, I grew up living at a house near the planetarium. I've once read a story, that tells me about a girl that fell in love with a classmate that worked on a planetarium. He knew a lot about stars and often took the girl to a secret place with no artificial light. That's my main motivation for moving in to a village, rather than living in a crowded and bright city.

I am already 20 years old, old enough to have a boyfriend and think if I shall get marry sooner or later. But that doesn't make my spirit down. I really love to study astronomy and other thing that related to it. So, I came to the planetarium now and then, randomly, while studying for my thesis.

There, like any other comic books or novels, I met a guy. He is always at the planetarium, watching the show that is annually hold by the planetarium on Sundays.

"You always came at the same day and at the same time. Aren't you bored?" he asked me while I was watching at the show.

"Never. I love learning things like these. It really eases up my mind, even just a little bit," I replied. He kept quiet after that short conversation. Not long after, I ran into him. He was using a wheelchair.

"Would you like to go and have some tea with me?" he asked me with a graceful smile. I kindly accept it and follow him. We have a great time together. And I didn't feel that any dangerous things will happen if I am close to him, not like any other stranger.

A week from that, he asked me to spare some of my time. I kindly accept it. At night, like the story I've read a thousand times, he takes me to a wonderful place.

The place is very wide, with the sky on top of us. We have a great time. We talk about a lot of things, including death. I know that he looks pale, but, I don't have the courage to ask him. And that day ends when Venus shows itself at dawn.

Weeks have past, and I can't find him on the planetarium. So I ask the owner and find that he have passed away. I am shock. Really shock.

The owner then gives me a letter. He says that it is written and addressed for me, so I take it and leave the planetarium.

I never go to the planetarium again since I know about his death, so I almost forget about the letter too. But when I am going for a ride with my bicycle, I come across the most beautiful place that he showed to me. I ride my bicycle at full speed and take the letter. I almost rip it apart, but, I think he would like it if I read it at our secret star-seeing place.

So, I go there at night and place my back upon the breezy grass, and then open it softly. And then, I read it out loud in my mind:

"The stars are like people's life. They are created by Nitrogen and such gases, forming a beautiful star that shines through the atmosphere, making millions of people gazed upon them and 'wow'-ed at them. People are like that too. We are created by our father and mother's sexual gen. And when we make a living, we can shine wherever we are, at our own pace and skills. Stars also die, by exploding, but it will only happen after million of years. We, humans, will also die, by unexpected things and causes.

Sarah, if you find yourself lonely, look at the sky while you are resting your body on the breezy grass. And then, search for the star called Polaris. It won't go anywhere, I promise you. It will be at the same spot in any season, any time. Maybe, it will make you remind about me and my pitiful life, so that you can go on and reach your dream.

I'm sorry that I never tell you about who I really am, and what I've been through. I have an illness that made my internal organs functions degraded year after year. I know that I'll leave you sooner or later, so I wrote this letter. It's because, well, maybe, I don't want to see your sad and lonely face.

Is it called love? I don't care. The most important thing is your happiness and your dream. Just reach it when you have the time, I know you can do it.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. There will be a meteor shower on the 20th of this month. When that time comes, let's go together, shall we?"

I gently close the letter and look at my clock. It's the 20th of the month that was mentioned by him. I close my eyes. I pray to God for his safety and, without me knowing it, I cry. I let my eyes open slowly and amaze at the sky. It is a meteor shower.

I write something on the back of his letter.

"Like the meteor shower that I see, my tears are racing down through my cheeks. But I know what I must do. To reach 'our' dream and make it a reality. I know that you will always support me, Chris. So, I won't give up."

I rip apart the letter and blow it to the sky. The pieces are being carry by the wind, while I smile and look upon the sky. It'll be a new day.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Moon :)

Hufh, sudah lama sekali saya tidak menulis. Well, this is gonna be the first time I write my philosophy in English. Hehe. I'm sorry if there is any words in my article that is unnecessary, misspelled, or something like that.

So, I'm going to discuss about.... Well, I don't know. I don't have any ideas yet. It's all drained to a dialogue for my school drama. Hip Hip Hooray! --"

Oh, maybe I should tell you about the moon? 'Cause I really love it.

So, the moon is, the moon. As you can see every night in the sky, revolving around the Earth on its own path. At night, he came out to see us and shone, even though it is actually the sun's rays, not its.

But, every time I see at the moon, well, I feel more relaxed somehow. Like my previous article, I shall give you some examples of its meaning.

1. They are used as the main attribute at Karmic Astrology. Well, I don't really believe in that kind of stuff, so, if you are interested, why don't you open this link here:

2. They are also used as tarot cards, you know. With Pisces as its ruling sign, the Moon is all about visions and illusions, madness, genius and poetry. This is a card that has to do with sleep, and so with both dreams and nightmares. It is a scary card in that it warns that there might be hidden enemies, tricks and falsehoods. But it should also be remembered that this is a card of great creativity, of powerful magic, primal feelings and intuition. The Querent who gets this card should be warned that they may be going through a time of emotional and mental trial; if they have any past mental problems, they must be vigilant in taking their medication. They should avoid drugs or alcohol, as abuse of either will cause them irreparable damage. This time however, can also result in great creativity, psychic powers, visions and insight. They can and should trust their intuition.

3. Believe in magic? Ever heard of the moon magic? Well, here are some information from:


Depending on your magical intention, you should aim to work with the cycles of the moon to receive the most effective results. The three major aspects of the moon are the Waxing (or New), Full and Waning.

The New Moon
The Moon is waxing and growing. This marks the phase of the moon when the light is not visible from Earth, because the side of the moon that is being lit by the sun is not facing us. This should be a time to plan spells that introduce new beginnings and projects. A new career, house move, job, relationship, any new venture in life.

Waning Moon
The casting out of the old ways, banishing old habits, the removal of troubles and worries. A waning gibbous moon comes halfway between a full moon and a half moon, and a waxing gibbous moon lies between a half moon and a full moon.

A half moon looks like half a circle. It is sometimes called a quarter moon as this Moon has completed one quarter of an orbit around the Earth from either the new position (First Quarter) or the full (Last Quarter) and one quarter of the moon’s surface is visible from Earth.

Full Moon
Moon Phase Time Lapse

This is a time when the Moon is at its most powerful, and the magic most potent. Performing any positive spell at this time will achieve good results. This is the ideal time for healing, guidance, and completion spells.

The full moon is referred to by a different name, depending on when it appears. For example, the “Harvest moon” is the full moon that appears nearest to the Autumn Equinox, which occurs in late September or early October.

Other names given to the full moon include:

January: Wolf Moon, Moon After Yule, or Old Moon
February: Ice Moon, Snow Moon or Hunger Moon
March: Storm Moon, Sap Moon, Crow Moon, or Lenten Moon
April: Growing Moon, Grass Moon or Egg Moon
May: Hare Moon, Milk Moon or Planting Moon
June: Mead Moon, Rose Moon, Flower Moon, or Strawberry Moon
July: Thunder Moon or Hay Moon
August: Grain Moon, Green Corn Moon, or simply Corn Moon
September: Fruit Moon or Harvest Moon
October: Harvest Moon, Blood Moon or Hunter’s Moon
November: Hunter’s Moon, Beaver Moon, Frosty Moon, or Snow Moon
December: Cold Moon, Moon Before Yule or Long Night Moon

A second full moon occurring in any month is called a Blue Moon.

4. Well, according to Wikipedia's culture for the moon:

The Moon's regular phases make it a very convenient timepiece, and the periods of its waxing and waning form the basis of many of the oldest calendars. An eagle-bone tally stick, found near the village of Le Placard in France and dated to 13,000 years ago, is believed by many to mark the phases of the Moon. The ~30-day month is an approximation of the lunar cycle. The English noun month and its cognates in other Germanic languages stem from Proto-Germanic *mǣnṓth-, which is connected to the above mentioned Proto-Germanic *mǣnōn, indicating the usage of a lunar calendar among the Germanic peoples (Germanic calendar) prior to the adoption of a solar calendar.[155] The same Indo-European root as moon led to the development of Latin measure and menstrual, words which echo the Moon's importance to many ancient cultures in measuring time (see Latin mensis and Ancient Greek μήνας (mēnas), meaning "month").

The Moon has been the subject of many works of art and literature and the inspiration for countless others. It is a motif in the visual arts, the performing arts, poetry, prose and music. A 5,000-year-old rock carving at Knowth, Ireland, may represent the Moon, which would be the earliest depiction discovered. In many prehistoric and ancient cultures, the Moon was personified as a deity or other supernatural phenomenon, and astrological views of the Moon continue to be propagated today. The contrast between the brighter highlands and darker maria create the patterns seen by different cultures as the Man in the Moon, the rabbit and the buffalo, among others. The Moon has a long association with insanity and irrationality; the words lunacy and loony are derived from the Latin name for the Moon, Luna. Philosophers such as Aristotle and Pliny the Elder argued that the full Moon induced insanity in susceptible individuals, believing that the brain, which is mostly water, must be affected by the Moon and its power over the tides, but the Moon's gravity is too slight to affect any single person.[159] Even today, people insist that admissions to psychiatric hospitals, traffic accidents, homicides or suicides increase during a full Moon, although there is no scientific evidence to support such claims.

Superbly, I haven't read all of it when I post it, but I'm really interested in the blue moon things. Well, that's all. It's not my philosophy is it? Haha. But that's alright, I'm still a student after all, and I still have to study a lot. Especially philosophy thingy ~

Friday, November 12, 2010

Blue Rose

So, do you recognize what this picture is?

It's actually called the blue rose. It doesn't exist in real nature, but people really love it! And so do I. It has this elegant and natural feeling in it. Some people actually made it with artificial color that is added to the white rose. Now, here's some meaning from various websites. Hope you enjoy it, and maybe, it can be, that you have the same meaning as this beautiful fantasy rose :)

1. Conveying inner feelings of love at first sight, being enchanted by something or someone.
2. Denote regal majesty and splendor.
3. In Chinese cultures, it signifies hope against unattainable love.
4. It signifies mystery or the possibility of attaining that which seems impossible, mostly because it's a rarity in nature.
5. It symbolizes the unattainable or impossible which won't make it a good choice to give someone you would like to maintain a relationship with anyway.

Got the point, there? Blue roses are definitely mysterious and elegant. It also resembles unattainable love or at least the one that is hard to get, because blue roses are hard to make.

But in the end, it's always up to you, on what will you rely on? Philosophies and theories, or feelings and instincts?

Thursday, November 11, 2010


I can't wait
The world is too dreadful

I can't run
The world is binding me

I can't speak
The world won't let me

I can't hear
The world close my ears

I can't be here
The world shooed me away

I can't exist
God won't let me

So, what am I?



The way your eyes look at me
The way the rain fall down on me
The way you care about me

Poisoned Ivy

Capturing me
Torturing me
Not letting me go
Away from the dreadful sin

Please let me stay
I don't care about the sin
It's just another stupid theory

Monday, November 1, 2010


A persona, in the word's everyday usage, is a social role or a character played by an actor. This is an Italian word that derives from the Latin for a kind of mask made to resonate with the voice of the actor (per sonare meaning "to sound through").[1]

The Latin word probably derived from the Etruscan word "phersu", with the same meaning, and that from the Greek "πρόσωπον". Its meaning in the latter Roman period changed to indicate a "character" of a theatrical performance.

In literature

In literature the term has become associated with the work of two modern poets, Ezra Pound and T.S. Eliot. They understood the term slightly differently and derived its use and meaning from different traditions. Eliot had taken over and developed Laforgue's ironic "I", whereas Pound worked from Robert Browning's dramatic monologues. Eliot's personae were Prufrock and Sweeney, Pound's were Cino, Bertran de Born, Propertius, and Mauberley. Whereas Eliot used 'masks' to distance himself from aspects of modern life which he found degrading and repulsive, Pound's personae were poets and could be considered in good part alter-egos who are to be dissociated from 'characters' like Malatesta, John Adams, Conducius, or Thomas Jefferson that we find in Pound's later poetry, The Cantos. For Pound, the personae were a way of working through a specific poetic problem. In this sense, the persona is a transparent mask, wearing the traits of two poets and responding to two situations, old and new, which are similar and overlapping. In Homage to Sextus Propertius, for example, Pound 'translated' parts of Propertius's elegies and by means of various modernisations of diction, drew attention to parallelisms existing between Propertius's situation and Pound's own, especially the pressures of living in an empire at war and Pound's need to cease writing shorter lyrical poems and start on longer epic structures. Pound at that time (1917) had written his first three Cantos but was doubtful of their value. In writing the Homage he worked through his anxieties of whether the epic was compatible with modernity or worth writing at all, given the political and social statement of the genre. Pound at that time had no political education, which he would start to acquire only after the end of WWI with C.H. Douglas and A.R. Orage in the offices of The New Age.

In psychology

The persona is also the mask or appearance one presents to the world. It may appear in dreams under various guises (see Carl Jung and his psychology).

source: wikipedia

Sorry, I don't have any more time to search for other resources. Just to be sure, I'm studying this kind of stuffs, especially the psychology part :)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Wise Words

Well, it have been a long time ago since I write a post. I'm sure no one notices, but I just love writing. It's beautiful when you write something out of expectation, isn't it?

Sorry, didn't mean to talk about that. What I want to say is that, a best friend of mine always said to me, to be with the light and feel the happiness that it shares, while that person just wanted to see me from the darkness.

Guys, I have said this a thousand times, nothing is eternal. The term forever is just a fake hope that humans love to tell. Time have decided what it means.

I feel more eased this way.

When someone tells a lie, does it hurt? Yes, but, it is only for temporary. So, try and don't hate anyone. You will only make yourself miserable.

To love someone, it means to give all what you have to him/her, not only in something real, but also feelings. Your time. Your everything.

That person told me a lot of things. And I really want to thank you :)

Falling in love can never be so beautiful...

Friday, October 8, 2010

Pikiran Kecil II

Waktu. Ya, Waktu. Sebuah kata yang menyeramkan, yang abstrak, bahkan tidak bisa diprediksi dan dimengerti. Mulai dari rentangnya yang panjang dan tidak bisa diperkirakan, satu kata ini bisa mengikat kita semua. Ikatan yang tidak pernah bisa dilepaskan, bahkan sampai kematian pun menjemput kita.

Ringan, memang, jika kita telaah dengan singkat, tetapi, sekalinya kau melihat lebih jauh, justru kata ini sangat rumit. Ia lebih rumit dari kematian. Karena saat kita lahir, waktu 'kita' dimulai, dan saat kita mati, waktu 'kita' telah berakhir. Tetapi untuk orang lain? Belum tentu sama.

Masa lalu, masa kini, masa depan. Cara yang sangat mudah untuk mengelompokkan waktu, bukan? Baiklah, mari kita bahas satu per satu. Tentunya dengan pemikiran saya sendiri. Karena ini merupakan filosofi dan penelaahan diri. Maaf saja kalau ada yang salah. Katakan saja apa yang kalian (pembaca) pikirkan.

Masa lalu. Masa yang tidak bisa diulang, walau berapa kalipun kita mencoba untuk terus menerus menyesal, waktu ini tidak bisa kembali. Kita, yang hanya terikat dengan masa lalu, tidak akan bisa melihat apa yang ada di masa depan dan di masa kini. Kita bisa buta. Ya, buta. Tidak dalam pengartian sesungguhnya, tetapi dalam artian di dalam hati. Maaf saja, tapi itu sebuah kenyataan. Saya sendiri pernah terikat dengan masa lalu. Dan, yang terjadi adalah, saya terus menerus menyesal, terikat dengan segala 'dosa' yang sering disebut, dan tidak bisa berpikiran dengan jernih. Pikiran yang terikat itu akan terus mengekang kita, dan pada akhirnya, kita akan 'termakan' oleh pikiran itu, menjadi satu dengannya, dan tidak bisa lagi melihat apa yang ada di depan kita. Jika kalian (pembaca) ada yang merasa seperti ini, cobalah mencari teman yang berpikiran sebaliknya. Mereka bisa menjadi 'cahaya' bagi 'kegelapan' yang tiada akhir.

Masa kini. Masa yang sedang kita jalani sekarang. Setiap detiknya, jam-nya, dan hari-nya sangat berharga. Jangan takut dan berdirilah dengan tegak. Apa yang kalian lakukan bisa membuka banyak kesempatan di masa yang akan datang. Di masa kini, detik ini, apapun yang kalian pikirkan, lakukan, bahkan kalian rencanakan, bisa menjadi sesuatu yang berharga. Percayalah pada diri sendiri dan apa yang hati katakan. Tidak ada 'kegelapan' tanpa 'cahaya'. Dan belum tentu, 'cahaya' itu lebih baik dari 'kegelapan'. Terus saja ber-orientasi ke arah yang sudah diyakini. Jadikan masa lalu sebagai salah satu tangga yang sudah dilewati, pelajaran. Menyesal itu tidak akan ada gunanya, itu hanya akan membuatmu bermimpi buruk. Yakinlah bahwa dunia itu selalu seimbang.

Masa depan. Maaf saja, saya bukan orang yang ber-orientasi ke arah masa depan. Saya sendiri orang yang ragu, dan sedang belajar untuk menjadi orang yang bisa menghargai apa yang ada di masa kini. Untuk masa depan, jangan takut. Terus saja jalan dalam apa yang dianggap oleh hati kita benar.

Oh, dan satu lagi. Tidak ada yang abadi. Baik perasaan, pertemanan, pacar, agama, bahkan hidup. Kalau jatuh di salah satu, cari kembali apa yang harus dicari. Keabadian itu tidak bisa diraih, lebih baik jangan percaya kepadanya.

No offense, it's just one of my philosophy. And really, I have no regrets in writing this.

Keep yourself together and just smile!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Pikiran Kecil I

Sudah cukup lama senjang waktu antara saya terakhir kali menulis dengan keluarnya tulisan ini. Well, saya akan sedikit bercerita tentang diri saya atau bahkan pikiran saya. Ini karena saya agak bingung dengan apa yang harus saya curahkan disini sebagai sebuah karya tulis. Apalagi dengan banyaknya tugas yang saya dapatkan dari sekolah, saya tidak sempat menulis banyak. Walau harus saya akui, saya baru saja menyelesaikan salah satu karya saya yang berjudul 'Rahasia', doakan saja supaya bisa benar-benar diterbitkan menjadi buku ya, kawan :)

Well, to put it simple, akan ada banyak bahasa inggris yang menyelangi beberapa bahasa indonesia. Tapi yang ingin saya sampaikan sebenarnya tidak terlalu rumit. Just read and learn.

Dalam pemikiran saya, kematian, adalah sesuatu yang ditakuti oleh semua orang. Mengaku saja, tidak banyak dari kita yang melakukan ibadah kepada Yang Maha Kuasa dengan niat benar-benar ingin menyembahNya. Terkadang, kita melakukannya karena kita takut akan hal yang disebut dengan kematian. Tetapi apakah kalian pernah berpikir lebih jauh lagi tentang makna kematian?

Bagi saya, kematian mengajarkan semua hal yang positif. Kita tidak dituntut untuk menakuti kematian nanti, tetapi untuk menjadikannya pelajaran. Mengapa? Karena dengan melihat kematian seseorang, kita sadar bahwa waktu kita di dunia ini sangat sedikit, jadi kita tidak bisa membuang waktu dan memperdulikan diri kita sendiri. Kalau kita punya waktu kosong, mengapa tidak meluangkannya untuk orang lain? Mengapa tidak kita mendalami bakat yang kita punya? Mengapa kita tidak melakukan sesuatu yang bermanfaat?

Kita juga bisa belajar untuk menghormati mereka yang sudah mendahului kita. Belajar untuk mengintrospeksi diri lebih sering lagi. Dan belajar untuk menjadi lebih baik.

Karenanya, well, all i know is, that death is not something to be feared! It is actually something to worshiped and make it our 'book' of life. Hanya mengingatnya, kita pun bisa gemetar. Tapi jangan pernah takut, karena jika kita yakin bahwa kita telah melakukan hal-hal yang baik, kita pun bisa terus melangkah maju, bukan?

The past is something to cherish, the present is the only time we can correct our mistakes, the future is just another mystery. Be strong and be what you wanna be. Don't let anything stop you :)


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Rahasia -Prolog-

Aku tidak pernah percaya akan hal apapun selain Tuhan, tumbuhan, hewan, dan manusia. Bahkan pada sejenis malaikat, setan, ataupun jin, aku tidak akan percaya.

Sampai saat ini, dimana aku dihadapkan akan dua pilihan, untuk mati atau hidup untuk sia-sia. Pilihan yang bahkan diriku di masa lalu pun tidak akan menyukainya. Pilihan yang bahkan dirinya yang sudah mati pun tidak akan ia relakan.

Tapi, saat itu aku sadar, bahwa apapun keputusanku, maka itulah yang terbaik untuk diriku. Aku tidak perlu peduli akan apa yang orang lain katakan. Ini hidupku, maka aku yang memutuskan.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Mimpi Kecil

Kau akan
Alunan masa kecil

Yang indah,
Iringi alam mimpi

Kepakkan sayapmu
Dan terbanglah
Menuju langit
Penuh warna

Saat kau
Bermain tanpa beban

Hiasi langit kelam

Rembulan bernyanyi
Mengantar sepi

Tenangkan hatimu
Bebaskan imajinasimu
Gapailah bintang
Bersinar terang

Diselimuti malam
Dingin dan gelap
Menunggu matahari
Menjemput dirimu

Kepakkan sayapmu
Dan terbanglah
Menuju langit
Penuh warna

Rembulan bernyanyi
Mengantar sepi

Rembulan bernyanyi
Mengantar sepi

Alunan Iblis

Alunan melodi yang memuakkan
Mengalir dalam batang tubuh
Tanpa henti dan lelah
Menyebarkan negatif dari hati

Ketidakpercayaan yang di pupuk
Menimbulkan konflik tak berarti
Memecah sunyi dan sahabat
Impian Sang Iblis terkabul

Kekosongan hati terpahat tajam
Tak terpikirkan lagi sahabat
Hanya terpaku imaji kegelapan
Impian Sang Iblis terkabul

Mereka pun berdendang riang:
"Cahaya tertelan kegelapan,
Cahaya tertelan kegelapan,
Era baru telah tiba"

Iblis pun tertawa senang
Manusia telah jatuh

Pembunuh Bayaran

Aku haus...
Haus akan darah
Haus akan kematian
Haus akan peperangan

Akulah sang pembunuh
Yang selalu kulakukan
Membunuh orang
Demi uang yang berlimpah

Karenanya orang ku adu domba
Karenanya orag ku bunuh
Dengan cara yang cepat
Atau cara yang lambat

Sampai tujuanku terpenuhi
Aku akan terus memegang pisau ini
Walaupun kecil,
Walaupun besar,
Hidup orang akan ku akhiri

Sekarang dan selamanya
Kematian akan terus kukejar

08/04/2008 - Gita

Jam Menit Detik

Tik Tok Tik Tok...
Jam berdetik

Satu detik berlalu
Satu menit berlalu
Satu jam berlalu
Satu hari berlalu
Satu minggu berlalu
Satu bulan berlalu
Satu tahun berlalu
Satu kehidupan berlalu

Setiap harinya manusia dilahirkan
Setiap harinya manusia meninggal

Entah kenapa hal itu sudah biasa
Tapi aku sakit hati
Karena sebentar lagi ia akan pergi

Pergi selamanya,
Tak pernah kembali lagi
Sampai di kehidupan lainnya

08/04/2008 - Gita

Masa Lalu

Masa lalu
Satu kata di saat ku hidup

Aku ingin kembali
Saat tertawa
Saat menangis
Saat berlari di alam terbuka

Sekarang semua sudah hancur
Seperti pecahnya kaca
Di hatiku ini

Aku ingin kembali
Aku ingin lari dari kenyataan

Tapi itu semua percuma
Karena waktu tak bisa kembali
Sampai kapanpun juga

Itu sudah menjadi kenangan
Tetapi kenangan tersebut hidup
Selamanya di hatiku

08/04/2008 - Gita


Berlumuran darah
Di tanganku
Di tubuhku

Satu kata yang terpikir olehku
Saat perang itu

Satu kata yang kecil
Saat kehilangan itu
Satu nyawa melayang

Satu hari tanpanya
Liang kubur menantiku

Sampai nanti hidup berakhir
Tak akan kubiarkan darahku mengalir
Keluar dari tubuhku
Dalam pertumpahan yang dahsyat

Sampai jumpa liang kubur
Di akhir hidupku nanti

08/04/2008 - Gita


Satu per satu daun berguguran
Satu per satu air hujan berintikan
Satu per satu rambut manusia merontok

Liang kubur sudah mendekat
Tempat terakhir di hidupku
Di sanalah ku tertidur selamanya
Sampai hari ku dibangunkan

Semua kenangan
Semua saudara
Semua yang kupunya
Tak akan kuingat lagi

Nanti aku sendiri
Bersamaku hanyalah tanah
Dan amalku di dunia maya

08/04/2008 - Gita


Satu per satu gugur
Daun yang dahulu indah
Menjadi kuning berguguran

Seperti itulah manusia
Satu per satu gugur
Seperti daun itu

Perang yang berdarah-darah
Menggugurkan kita
Para prajurit bangsa
Indonesia yang belum merdeka

Tangisan anak kecil
Meraung-raung di telingaku

Sampai mereka tersenyum
Ku akan terus berjuang
Untuk Indonesia merdeka
Sampai kematian menjemputku

01/04/2008 - Gita

Fakta Kecil

Miski itu menjijikan
Kaya itu menyenangkan
Miskin berarti terkurang
Kaya akan terbang

Miskin selalu gembel
Kaya selalu rapi
Miskin meminta pertolongan
Kaya meminta imbalan

Kota besar penuh harapan
Impian semua warga Indonesia

Hidup tak selalu indah
Sukar mendapat kawan
Sukar mendapat uang

Mudah mendapat lawan
Karena beda aspirasi
Dan kontroversi kehidupan

Tapi apakah semua itu benar?
Apakah manusia selalu membedakan?
Apakah sosial begitu penting?
Apakah hidup akan selalu sama?

Miskin kaya
Bukan masalah
Manusia hanya egois
Tidak peduli dengan yang lain

Itu bukan awal
Bukan pula akhir
Semua selalu seperti ini
Akan sadarkah kita?

Kehidupan selalu menyakitkan
Manusialah pengakibatnya
Kesenjangan yang tak bisa digapai
Hanya sebuah masalah sehari-hari
Tanpa terpikirkan beban masa depan

Percuma menggapainya,
Saling menolong hanya kesadaran
Kita hanya harus duduk
Asal tak sama
Semua akan baik-baik saja

Hanya waktu yang tahu,
Kapan akan terhenti semua kegilaan dunia ini
Jika bisa memilih,
Apakah depan atau belakang?

2008 - Gita

Cinta Untuknya

Aluran musik yang sangat indahnya
Membangun semangat jiwa
Yang berada dalam keraguan cinta

Cinta yang tak tentu lamanya
Membuat orang sangat menderita
Cinta yang dianggap suci baginya
Hanya sebuah khayalan belaka

Kebohongan cinta yang ada
Membuatku semakin menderita
Dirinya yang selalu kupuja
Hilang dari hatiku begitu saja

Sampai jumpa untuk dirinya
Orang yang akan kukenang selamanya
Sampai diriku sudah tiada
Di dunia yang maya

13/03/08 - Gita


Hidup ini
Semua hanya untuk diriku ini
Berdirilah manusia ini
Di himpunan bunga lili

Kupanggil anjing bernama heli
Untuk memakan bunga lili
Yang sedang bersemi

Seperti keadaan hatiku ini
Bersemi dengan cinta yang suci
Sebelum Tuhan merenggut nyawa ini
Tak akan kubuat hatiku mati

Hati yang slalu bersinar ini
Seperti hati yang tak berhenti
Kepada semua orang di dunia ini
Yang selalu kucintai

Pada negara ini
Pada keluarga ini
Pada dirinya ini
Pada waktu ini
Pada Tuhanku ini
Akan kucintai
Selalu dan selamanya di hati ini

Di hati yang kujaga ini
Yang menyimpan perasaan suci
Sampai nanti aku mati

13/03/08 - Gita


Satu hari yang lalu
Engkau mendukungku
Dengan senyumanmu

Satu hari berlalu
Dirimu tetap dirimu
Dan diriku tetap diriku
Walaupun ada yang menghalangiku

Di masa lalu yang indah itu
Hari dimana hidupnya diriku
Hidupnya seluruh perasaanku
Pada semua orang dan dirimu

Tapi itu semua masa lalu
Bukan masa kini milikku

Berakhir sudah hidupku
Sebelum perginya diriku
Ada satu pesan untukmu
Untuk tersenyum kepadaku

Kan kukenang hidupku
Sampai kiamat berlalu
Dan kita bisa bersama selalu

13/03/08 - Gita

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Again - Yui

For your information, I'm also a fan of Japanese Animes, such as Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. So, here's the lyric from for the first opening, please, do enjoy it ~

Yume no tsuzuki Oikakete ita hazu nano ni
Magarikunetta hosoi michi Hito ni tsumazuku

Ano koro mitai ni tte Modoritai wakejanai no
Nakushite kita sora wo Sagashiteru
Wakattekuremasu you ni Gisei ni natta you na
Kanashii kao wa yamete yo

Tsumi no saigo wa namida janai yo Zutto kurushiku shou tte kunda
Deguchi mienai kanjou meiru ni Dare wo matteru no?
Shiroi no-to ni tsuzutta you ni Motto sunao ni hakidashitai yo
Nani kara Nogaretainda ... Genjitsu tte yatsu

Kanaeru tame ni Ikiterundatte Wasurechai sou na Yoru no manaka
Bunan ni nante Yatterarenai kara ...Kaeru basho mo nai no
Kono omoi wo keshite shimau niwa Mada jinsei nagai desho (I'm on the way)
Natsukashiku naru Konna itami mo kangei jan

Ayamaranakucha ikenai yo ne Ah, Gomen ne
Umaku ienakute Shinpai kaketa mama datta ne

Ano hi kakaeta zenbu Ashita kakaeru zenbu
Junban tsuketari wa Shinaikara
Wakkate kuremasu you ni Sotto me wo tojitanda
Mitakunaimono made Miendamon

Iranai uwasa ni chotto Hajimete kiku hatsugen docchi?
Ni kai attara tomodachi datte? Uso wa yamete ne
Akai ha-to ga iradatsu you ni Karadan naka moeteirunda
Honto wa Kitai shiten no ... Genjitsutte yatsu?

Kanaeru tame ni Ikiterundatte Sakebitaku naru yo Kikoete imasu ka?
Bunan ni nante Yatterarenai kara ...Kaeru basho mo nai no
Yasashisa niwa itsumo kansha shiteru Dakara tsuyoku naritai (I'm on the way)
Susumu tame ni Teki mo mikata mo kangei jan

Dou yatte tsugi no doa Akerundakke? Kangaeteru?
Mou hikikaesenai Monogatari hajimatterunda
Me wo samase Me wo samase

Kono omoi wo keshite shimau niwa Mada jinsei nagai desho?
Yarinokoshiteru koto Yarinaoshite mitai kara
Mou ichido yukou

Nakaeru tame ni Ikiterundatte Sakebitaku naru yo Kikoete imasu ka?
Bunan ni nante Yatterarenai kara ...Kaeru basho mo nai no
Yasashisa niwa itsumo kansha shiteru Dakara tsuyoku naritai (I'm on the way)
Natsukashiku naru Konna itami mo kangei jan

Friday, August 13, 2010

Mosaik Merah Putih

Cipratan darah
Suasana duka
Segala kekhawatiran
Menyelimuti hari pagi

Teriakan merdeka
Pengorbanan nyawa
Pergolakan jiwa
Membatasi hari siang

Merah diatas biru
Merah diatas putih
Merah diatas coklat
Warna kemenangan menyambut

Tubuh tanpa nyawa
Bergelimpangan di segala sudut
Hati yang terikat
Bertebaran di seluruh penjuru

Sudahkah kita berhasil?
Merebut segala penderitaan
Akankah kita bertahan?
Sbagai insan berkah

Merdeka bukan kata
Merdeka adalah tindakan
Perjuangan tanpa akhir
Pengabdian untuk merah putih

Thursday, August 12, 2010


There are some things that made me cry, but when I look back at it, it's not that bad, and it's the things that made me smile.
But what do I know? I am just another human, like any other beings, I'm not perfect.
Look at my age, I'm still young, about sixteen or fifteen years old, but I already understand what bitter pain the world resembles.
Look at you, an old woman with sticks holding you up so that you wouldn't fall, still mesmerising about the past, bound by it and cannot move forward.
The generations had changed into a better one, I hope. And maybe, I can prove it, not someone else.
Through my writings, I know what life is like, little by little, slow but surely, the future is in my hand.

Monday, August 9, 2010


Embun pagi yang indah
Menyapa mentari yang bersinar
Bersama warna-warni yang berterbangan
Dengan pohon yang berdansa

Senyuman peri menghiasi biru
Mengiringi awan putih
Saat tentara hitam berbaris
Mencari kehidupan bersama-sama

Tak ada rasa khawatir
Tak ada rasa benci
Tak ada rasa iri
Tak ada rasa marah

Hanya kebahagiaan menyelimuti hati
Membuat senyuman terukir bebas
Dalam laut penuh kasih
Di atas gunung ketenangan

Hidup dalam harmoni
Beragam warna penghias langit
Lukisan yang tak berpigura
Milik hati semuanya

Selamat datang di Jardin
Keranjang harapan semua orang
Taburan mimpi anak-anak
Taman tanpa batas khayal

Tenangkan hati yang terdalam
Memasuki sunyi yang pekat
Bebaskan imajinasi masa depan
Tanpa keraguan menghalangi

Inilah taman penuh kebebasan
Jadi apapun yang diinginkan
Dengan rintangan sesuka hati
Hanya imbalan yang berharga

Disinilah harta karun ditemukan
Disinilah cita-cita tercapai
Disinilah beban tidak berarti
Hati putih yang terjernih

Masuk dalam taman Jardin

Saturday, July 31, 2010


Wahai bulan yang ada di langit, apakah Tuhan mencintai dan menyadari bahwa aku masih hidup? Karena sungguh, aku mulai ragu, setiap ucapanku akan-Nya mulai memudar, aku mulai termakan oleh kegelapan, meninggalkan semua hal yang rasional, membiarkan diriku makin tenggelam, menjadi sesuatu yang lain.

Wahai bintang-bintang yang menyinari malam, saat aku melihat langit, aku mengingat semua dosa yang telah kuperbuat, mengingat kehadiran Tuhan, walau memang, hal itu mulai memudar. Setiap hal yang kulakukan, aku lakukan tanpa merasa apapun, seakan-akan hati yang dulunya penuh oleh cahaya sudah redup dan mati, perlahan tapi pasti.

Wahai langit gelap yang membuat bintang bersinar lebih indah, kau begitu kelam tapi juga begitu menenangkan. Aku ingin meraihmu. Karena saat aku berpikir seperti itu, aku jadi ingat bahwa aku dan Tuhan bisa begitu dekat, walaupun Ia tidak terlihat, walaupun Ia begitu jauh, tapi Ia tetap ada di hatiku.

Wahai kegelapan yang abadi, kau sudah mengalahkan cahaya yang ada di dalam diriku, mengambil alih segala kehidupanku, membuatku semakin jatuh ke dalam dirimu, membuatku semakin melupakan apa gunanya diriku. Kaulah sahabat yang tak akan pergi dariku, sahabat yang terus berada di dalam hatiku, saat aku merasa bersalah, kau akan mengatakan bahwa aku tidak bersalah.

Wahai cahaya yang memudar, tidak semuanya tentang dirimu itu indah, karena aku tahu, bagaimana sakitnya saat ada di dalam dirimu dan di dalam kegelapan. Kau adalah tangan kananku yang selalu mendorongku untuk berbuat kebaikan, untuk terus menyunggingkan senyum di wajahku, untuk terus membuat orang lain senang, walau mungkin, diriku sendiri akan tersiksa karena kebohongan itu.

Wahai Tuhan, aku ada permintaan. Tolong kembalikan diriku yang sebenarnya.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Percakapan putih

Wahai kertas, aku tidak tahu harus menulis apa di atasmu. Hatiku kosong dan sering mendambakan sebuah tantangan. Tetapi, saat tantangan itu datang, mengapa diriku menolak?

Wahai kertas putih yang bergaris biru, apakah Tuhan menyayangiku? Apakah kata-kata orang di sekitarku bisa dipercaya? Apakah aku bisa menemukan tujuanku?

Wahai kertas dengan ukiran bunga, siapakah diriku? Apakah 'aku' yang sekarang adalah diriku yang sebenarnya? Ataukah aku sedang menekan sesuatu yang sebenarnya bisa kukendalikan? Apakah 'aku' adalah aku yang kulihat di cermin?

Wahai kertas yang dibalut dengan tulisan yang menyakitkan ini, kalau saja ada cara agar hatiku tidak merasakan sakit yang tidak bisa ku-ungkapkan, apakah cara itu?

Wahai kertas yang dihiasi oleh berbagai pertanyaan, apakah kau merasa muak dengan tulisanku yang membosankan ini? Apakah kau lelah dituliskan berbagai keluhan tanpa jalan keluar?

Wahai kertas yang berada dalam buku pemberian orang yang berharga, bisakah aku mengubah diriku dan dunia? Akankah aku bisa dilihat dengan diriku yang sebenarnya?

Wahai kertas, sesungguhnya, aku berjanji, dan ingin menepati janji ini, aku ingin melakukan sesuatu yang lebih dari ini!


Merah di atas putih
Tumpahan dosa tercatat
Semakin panjang meregang
Tanpa ada akhirnya

Perjanjian penuh dusta
Pengikat mimpi indah
Pembatas janji kehidupan
Siraman kegelapan abadi

Rahasia tanpa fakta
Catatan kematian iblis
Terkunci rapat sekali
Oleh Sang Rembulan

Kehidupan para dosa
Melolong ingin bebas
Mengais lebih dalam
Terperangkap dalam sepi

Serenada kesepian memuncak
Meresapi setiap inchi
Menyelimuti cahaya lemah
Meredupkan sampai mati

Penghantar tidur datang,
Akankah mereka menetap?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Surat untuk Tuhan

Ya tuhan, kumohon kepadaMu, hapuskan perasaan ini, bunuhlah diriku yang palsu.
Ya Tuhan, aku tidak bisa menetapkan tempat yang layak untukku. dimana aku bisa tertawa dan menangis, menunjukkan diriku yang sebenarnya, diriku yang seharusnya.
Ya Tuhan, aku takut menghadapi masa depan, aku takut untuk mengungkapkan apa yang seharusnya kukatakan, aku takut untuk menjadi diriku sendiri.
Ya Tuhan, andai saja aku tidak mempunyai perasaan yang begitu dalam, perasaan yang akan membunuhku di saat lengah, perasaan yang selalu menghantuiku.
Oh Tuhan! Aku telah membohongi diriku sendiri! Aku telah membunuh diriku sendiri! Aku telah membunuh ego yang berlimpah! Aku telah membuat dosa yang besar kepada diriku sendiri!
Apa yang harus aku lakukan di saat sedih? Di saat aku tidak punya tempat untuk meneriakkan isi hatiku, kemana aku harus pergi?
Akankah kau meninggalkanku, Tuhan?

Saturday, July 10, 2010


The ghost are dancing
The demons are singing
The humans are screaming
The souls are crying

The night has fallen
The dark has risen
The sun was destroyed
The light has descended

Dance through the dark
Embrace with no one
With only the God
Watching in fear

The demons are smiling
The souls are suffering

Oh, how longing
Is this misery of yours

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Story about Phoenix

So, I just wanted to share this story that I found on a site, you guess it, it's monstropedia again. I just can't take my eyes off from that site --"

There is a bird that lays no eggs and has no young. It was here when the world began and is still living today, in a hidden, faraway desert spot. It is the phoenix, the bird of fire.

One day in the beginning times, the sun looked down and saw a large bird with shimmering feathers. They were red and gold--bright and dazzling like the sun itself. The sun called out, "Glorious Phoenix, you shall be my bird and live forever!"

Live forever! The Phoenix was overjoyed to hear these words. It lifted its head and sang, "Sun glorious sun, I shall sing my songs for you alone!"

But the Phoenix was not happy for long. Poor bird. Its feathers were far too beautiful. Men, women, and children were always casing it and trying to trap it. They wanted to have some of those beautiful, shiny feathers for themselves.

"I cannot live here," thought the phoenix. and it flew off toward the east, where the sun rises in the morning.

The Phoenix flew for a long time, and then came to a far away, hidden desert where no humans lived. And there the phoenix remained in peace, flying freely and singing its songs of praise to the sun above.

Almost five hundred years passed. The Phoenix was still alive, but it had grown old. It was often tired, and it had lost much of its strength. It couldn't soar so high in the sky, nor fly as fast or as far as it was young.

"I don't want to live like this," thought the Phoenix. "I want to be young and strong."

So the Phoenix lifted it's head and sang, "Sun, glorious sun, make me young and strong again!" but the sun didn't answer. Day after day the Phoenix sang. When the sun still didn't answer, the Phoenix decided to return to the place where it had lived in the beginning and ask the sun one more time.

It flew across the desert, over hills, green valleys, and high mountains. The journey was long, and because the Phoenix was old and weak, it had to rest along the way. Now, the Phoenix has a keen sense of smell and is particularly fond of herbs and spices. So each time it landed, it collected pieces of cinnamon bark and all kinds of fragrant leaves. It tucked some in among its feathers and carried the rest in its claws.

When at last the bird came to the place that had once been its home, it landed on a tall palm tree growing high on a mountainside. Right at the top of the tree, the Phoenix built a nest with the cinnamon bark and lined it with the fragrant leaves. Then the Phoenix flew off and collected some sharp-scented gum called myrrh, which it had seen oozing out of a nearby tree. The Phoenix made an egg from the myrrh and carried the egg back to the nest.

Now everything was ready. The Phoenix sat down in its nest, lifted its head, and sang, "Sun, glorius sun, make me young and strong again!"

This time the sun heard the song. Swiftly it chased the clouds from the sky and stilled the winds and shone down on the mountainside with all its power.

The animals, the snakes, the lizards, and every other bird hid from the sun's fierce rays -- in caves and holes, under shady rocks and trees. Only the Phoenix sat upon its nest and let the suns rays beat down upon it beautiful, shiny feathers.

Suddenly there was a flash of light, flames leaped out of the nest, and the Phoenix became a big round blaze of fire.

After a while the flames died down. The tree was not burnt, nor was the nest. But the Phoenix was gone. In the nest was a heap of silvery-gray ash.

The ash began to tremble and slowly heave itself upward. From under the ash there rose up a young Phoenix. It was small and looked sort of crumpled, but it stretched its neck and lifted its wings and flapped them. Moment by moment it grew, until it was the same size as the old Phoenix. It looked around, found the egg made of myrrh, and hollowed it out. Then it placed the ashes inside and finally closed up the egg. The young Phoenix lifted its head and sang, "Sun, glorious sun, I shall sing my songs for you alone! Forever and ever!"

When the song ended, the wind began to blow, the clouds came scudding across the sky, and the other living creatures crept out of their hiding places.

Then the Phoenix, with the egg in its claws, flew up and away. At the same time, a cloud of birds of all shapes and sizes rose up from the earth and flew behind the Phoenix, singing together, "You are the greatest of birds! You are our king!"

The birds flew with the Phoenix to the temple of the sun that the Egyptians had built at Heliopolis, city of the sun. Then the Phoenix placed the egg with the ashes inside on the sun's altar.

"Now," said the Phoenix, "I must fly on alone." And while the other birds watched, it flew off toward the faraway desert.

The Phoenix lives there still. But every five hundred years, when it begins to feel weak and old, it flies west to the same mountain. There it builds a fragrant nest on top of a palm tree, and there the sun once again burns it to ashes. But each time, the Phoenix rises up from those ashes, fresh and new and young again.


Still from monstropedia! I'm really in to this kind of theory. The fact is that these creatures are just myth is true, but sometimes, studying about these things really made me happy and also gave me some good inspirations.

The term sprite is a broad term referring to a number of monstrous creatures. The term is generally used in reference to fairies, like the elf or dwarf, and the likes of it; but can also signify various monstrous beings, including ghosts.

The term is chiefly used in regard to elves and fairies in European folklore, and in modern English is rarely used in reference to spirits or other mythical creatures.


The word "sprite" is derived from the Latin "spiritus" (spirit). Variations on the term include "spright" (the origin of the adjective "sprightly", meaning "spirited" or "lively") and the Celtic "spriggan".


In some elemental magics, the sprite is believed to be the Elemental of air.

Main belief

The belief in diminutive beings such as elves, fairies, pixies, gnomes, Japanese Yoka and various Slavic fairies has been common in many parts of the world, and might to some extent still be found within Neo- spiritual and religious movements such as "Druidry" and Ásatrú. The belief in spiritual beings, particularly ghosts, is almost universal to human culture.
Sprite Traps

A sprite trap is a magical device used to capture troublesome or harmful spirits and ghosts. These devices refer to a sprite as a preternatural creature.

The sprite trap is created from a blackthorn stave and copper wire that has never carried electricity. During a ritual process, the copper wire is bound to the stave with red thread and the stave is marked with a Dag (or D) rune.

Sprite traps are used at night, when the trap is set at the entrance to a home, church, graveyard, or other location where disturbances are taking place. To attract the troublesome entity, a cleft blackthorn stave with a lighted candle is placed in front of the trap.

After the sprite trap has captured a spirit, it is removed from the location and the red thread is cut with a consecrated knife; the thread is then placed into a prepared witch bottle. If the bottle has been prepared to imprison the spirit, a spell is recited while the thread is placed in it. Finally, the bottle is corked and sealed with red wax before being buried. A thorn bush will be planted on the site.

It is said that if a witch's bottle containing a sprite is opened, a very angry spirit will escape.


Alright, so I haven't write anything for such a long long time. I'm working on some project, and maybe (if someone is really reading this blog) I will write some sneak peeks about it. No, I'm not working on a movie, believe me, I'm not talented in anything.
By the way, I really like vampires and dhampir too, especially dhampir. Why? Because it is said that Dhampir can be more powerful than vampires, that's why. When I was browsing for it, I found these data at so why don't you enjoy it? Maybe it'll give you an inspiration or an idea about this superb mythical creature! ENJOY!


The word dhampir is associated with folklore of the Roma, gypsies of the Balkans. In other areas it is believed that the offspring of a vampire will be slippery like jelly, and cannot live (Vukanovic 1957-1959, pt. 3, p. 112).


Throughout the area the term dhampir refers to the offspring of a vampire and a human; terms for such a being that are used in various subregions include vampijerovic, vampiric (little vampire), and lampijerovic; in some regions the child is named "Vampir" if a boy and "Vampiresa" if a girl, or Dhampir if a boy and Dhampiresa if a girl.


Among all Balkan peoples it is believed that the child of a vampire can see and destroy vampires. Among some groups, the ability to see vampires is considered exclusive to dhampirs. The powers of a dhampir may be inherited by the dhampir's offspring and cannot be taught.. Such a living male offspring would sometimes become a professional vampire hunter and destroyer.

* In some lore, dhampires (plural) pass their skills to their own sons: their ability is inherited

* A Dhampir can enable others to see vampires by taking off his shirt and letting them see through the sleeves.

* A Dhampir is believed to have great strength, many abilities, and the bloodlust of his vampire father.


Various means of killing or driving away vampires are recognized among peoples of the region, but the dhampir is seen as the chief agent for dealing with vampires. Methods by which a dhampir kills a vampire include shooting the vampire with a bullet, transfixing it with a hawthorn stake, and performing a ceremony that involves touching "crowns" of lead to the vampire's grave. If the dhampir cannot destroy a vampire, he may command it to leave the area.

A dhampir is always paid well for his services. The amount of money varies, but there is never dickering over the price. Standard pay for a dhampir may also include a meal or a suit of clothing. Sometimes a dhampir is paid in cattle. As late as 1959, professional dhampirs were still in business in Kosova.

False dhampirs

Quite often charlatans traveling the regions around the Carpathian Mountains and elsewhere in Eastern Europe would claim to be dhampirs. Operating by the original myth of vampyr (old spelling, both singular and plural) as spirit creatures, they were the only ones who could see the spirit and would put on elaborate shows for villages, often wrestling with an invisible foe until it was then trapped in a brass vessel. Usually a dhampir would wait until there was a death in a village.

As rural people tended to be more superstitious, unnatural explanations would be believed for unusual events, real or imagined (such as believing to have seen the dead walking the village at night). The belief was that the vampyr would take over the recently dead corpse, for as long as it would last, to invade villages. They fed off life force directly, not by blood, sometimes killing victims in close proximity so life leaving the body could be consumed more quickly.) Once fear, grief and superstition took hold in a village following a recent death, the dhampir would "come to the rescue

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Assassin - Muse

Hey, it's been a long time since i write something. Well, to be honest, I'm working on a project with my big brother, so I don't really have time to write about something, especially in English, hehe. Well, just enjoy this song that I love so much :)

War is overdue
The time has come for you
To shoot your leaders down
Join forces underground

Lose control
Increasing pace
Warped and bewitched
And time to erase

Whatever they say
These people are torn
Wild and bereft
Assassin is born

Oppose and disagree
Destroy demonocracy


Whatever they say
These people are torn
Wild and bereft
Assassin is born

Saturday, March 20, 2010


I keep running
Away from the past

I keep it here
Inside the depth of my heart

It's obvious,
I don't need to hide it

You know it already
What I am running from
What I am keeping
You know it

That smile
It makes me sad
That tears
It makes me smile

Oh boy,
Don't you know?
I hate you

Speak it!

This side is thin
This side is obviously fat

Which is it that you want?
I'll grant your wish


I cried
well, no one cares

I smiled,
No one knew

I want to be recognized
I want to have a slight existence

For all these years
Dreams are fading away from me
Putting a fake mask
on top of all my expressions

When i thought i have seek the light
The darkness came and tied me
Bonding me with eternal hollow
Crossing around my mind

I tried but i failed
I ran but i tripped
I care but never love
So what am I?

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Hell's Gate

The immortality
Tied within those promises
Filled with lies
Black wings they have

The unbroken
Filled with smiles
Never they have said a heart-breaking word
White and crystallized wings they carved

Which is yours?
I know you lied
I know that you are filled by the dark
I know that you did the sins

What are you?
Always smiling lightly
Always showing the kindness you have
Fill your life with the truth on your lips

When you die, I'll wait
When I die, you'll leave me
Well, there can only be a gate for us
There is only a gate for us

The Hell's gate is waiting


Apa warna langit yang kau lihat?
Hitam? Biru? Kelabu?
Apakah Sang Langit berada bersamamu?
Apakah ia melindungimu?

Tatapanmu kosong
Menatap langit yang dahulu biru dimatamu
Hatimu hampa
Mengingat ucapan yang ambigu

Tangisanmu terus mengalir
Bersamaan dengan turunnya Sang Hujan
Tetes demi tetes
Membasahi dirimu yang kering

Kebohongan demi kebohongan
Mengikatmu dengan keras
Membelenggu harapan dan senyuman
Dirimu yang kosong

Aku sudah tidak membutuhkanmu

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hello Sky

Through all the stars in the sky
Which one shows itself the most?
Which one is it that shines brightly?
Which one is it that you seek?

Through all the wings of a bird
Which one is it that you want?
Which is the one that resembles your dream?
Which one is it that resembles hope?

I'm still waiting
For an answer to be spoken
For a miracle to come
For a million hugs

The answer is within a smile
The opportunity lies beneath the time
The seeker is with you always

Now tell me,
What are you waiting for?


Senyuman akan selalu ku-ukir
Seiring kebahagiaan menyambut
Dalam kasih dan sayang kalian

Kecupanmu yang hangat membuatku tenang
Tanganmu yang lembut membelai wajahku
Kau-lah yang membuatku hidup

Kau mendidikku dengan baik
Setiap detik kehidupanku
Terukir indah di dalam hatiku

Anugerah dan Rahmat mu membuatku semangat
Segala rizki yang kau berikan membuatku tersenyum
Tiada yang melebihi keagungan-Mu

Tidakkah kau lihat?
Setiap detik kehidupan itu mempunyai makna
Disetiap inchi dan milimeter tanah yang kau pijak terletak jutaan keajaiban
Semua itu nyata walau hambar
Semuanya adalah satu

Segalanya memang tak terpecahkan
Segalanya memang ada
Segalanya hanya untuk kita

Sang Gelap

Saat kegelapan menyelimuti
Hati dan sayap yang tak terlihat
Begitu dalam dan kelam
Tanpa adanya sebuah titik penyelesaian

Saat keraguan dan kegundahan
Menghampiri dan mengikat harapan

Cinta tak lagi dibutuhkan
Kasih sayang hanya sebatas kata-kata
Mimpi adalah masa depan yang kosong
Hidup sudah tidak ada gunanya lagi

Untuk apa engkau ada?
Jika hanya untuk menyakiti
Jika hanya untuk memperburuk keadaan
Jika hanya untuk memperkecil kemungkinan

Jikalau waktu berhenti,
Maka semua akan terungkap

Kebohongan yang ditakuti
Senyuman licik yang dikantongi
Ukiran-ukiran sayap yang hitam kelam
Terpecah belah