Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Some Meaningless words

"I see a bloody war in front of me, I feel my blood rushing trough me. It is getting faster and faster and it hurts... Please help me! I don't want to become a vampire like them. Even though I already gave my blood to one of them...."
"Aku melihat sebuah perang darah didepanku, aku merasakan darahku mengalir. Ia mengalir lebih cepat dan cepat lagi dan itu juga membuatku kesakitan... Tolong aku! Aku tidak ingin menjadi seorang vampir seperti mereka. Walaupun aku sudah memberikan darahku kepada salah satu dari mereka..."

Some Meaningless Sayings

"I see with my little eyes something red and tastes so good for those called vampires. I don't want to be one of them, but I like that red stuff. Oh geez, why do I have to be back to my old self? The one who is desperate for that red liquid..."

"Aku melihat dengan kedua mata kecilku sesuatu yang merah dan terasa sangat lezat untuk mereka yang disebut sebagai Vampir. Aku tidak ingin menjadi salah satu dari mereka, tetapi aku sudah terlanjur suka dengan benda merah itu. Haaah, kenapa aku harus kembali menjadi diriku yang lama? Yang menyukai cairan merah tersebut...."

Satu, Dua, dan Tiga - Bagian 1

Aku sebenarnya hanyalah seorang anak biasa yang ingin berkeliling dunia sebagai Backpacker. Sayangnya, Ibu dan Bapakku tidak pernah mengizinkanku untuk pergi. Alasannya ada banyak sekali! Antara lain karena aku adalah seorang cewek berumur 17 tahun yang masih perlu sekolah. Dua, tidak ada cowok yang mau menemaniku pergi. Tiga, karena sangat berbahaya. Empat, mereka terlalu kaya dan hanya ingin aku menikmati hidup dengan cara mudah.

"Kino! Kamu pingin keliling Indonesia gak?" tanya temanku Aerith. Ia memiliki rambut berwarna cokelat yang panjang dan lurus. Matanya pun berwarna biru tua dan selalu memiliki aura yang bahagia.
"Mau dong! Tapi kalau gak ada cowok untuk ngelindungin kita, Ibu dan Bapakku pasti tidak mengizinkan..." kataku membalasnya.
"Yah Kino! Kamu kan paling hebat saat survival test kemarin, bukan? pasti sangat beruntung jika kami mempunyaimu di saat keliling Indonesia!" katanya dengan raut wajah kecewa.
"Halo Kino, Aerith. Kalian sedang apa?" tanya salah satu teman sekelasku yang bernama Zian. Ia tinggi, rambutnya hitam kecoklatan dan sedikit berantakan. Dia anak yang paling populer di angkatan, tetapi entah kenapa ia selalu berusaha untuk mendekatiku.
"Bukan urusan kamu Zian!" kataku dengan tegas.
"Kita mau backpacking keliling Indonesia Zi, mau ikut?" tanya Aerith.
"Tentunya! Kamu gak keberatan kan Kino?" tanyanya kepadaku.
"Sebenarnya tidak, tetapi...." kata-kataku terhenti karena bel masuk sekolah berbunyi.
"Ayo masuk kelas, Kino! Nanti Pak Arief marah lagi!" katanya kepadaku.
"Dadah Kino, dadah Zian! Nanti kita bicarakan lagi tentang masalah backpacking lagi ya!" teriak Aerith kepada kami. Kami pun bergegas ke dalam kelas supaya tidak terkena ceramah panjang Pak Arief.

"Anak-anak sekarang kumpulkan tugas Laporan Observasi Pulau Seribu kalian di sini! Yang telat tidak akan mendapatkan kompensansi waktu dan terakhir adalah hari ini di jam terakhir!" Teriak Pak Arief di depan kelasku. Sekolahku merupakan sekolah swasta yang mengikuti kurikulum Negeri. Di sini, kelas dibagi menjadi 5 berdasarkan Rangking dan subjek yang kita ikuti. IPA memiliki 2 kelas dan IPS 2 kelas. Dan satu kelas lagi adalah Akselerasi. Tetapi sebenarnya ada satu kelas akselerasi lagi yang sudah sekolah di Akademi ini dari SD sampai SMA dan menduduki rangking 1-10. Gedung kami terpisah dan terdiri dari Zian, Kino (aku), Kiari, Lilan, Pertha, Zerno, Rendo, Certo, Akatsuki, dan Kinako (ini sudah berdasarkan rangking). Sekolah ini juga merupakan sekolah Internasional, karena rata-rata siswanya berasal dari luar negeri. Walaupun kami selalu menjadi 10 besar disini, kami tetap harus belajar di kelas. Sebenarnya kami sering sekali berpergian ke luar negeri dan ke berbagai tempat. Tetapi kami tidak pernah backpacking sekali pun. Ini mungkin karena orang tua kami adalah orang-orang ternama dan kaya.
"Kino! Bagaimana tugasmu? sudah selesai?" tanya Zian yang duduk disebelahku.
"Sudah, tadi sudah dikumpulkan" kataku dengan muka jutek.
"Kamu kenapa sih? Kamu membenciku?" tanyanya dengan muka prihatin.
"Tidak, aku hanya merasa aneh saja jika berada didekatmu..." jawabku dengan senyum yang kupaksakan.
"Hei, jangan paksakan senyum kamu. Aku tahu kamu bukan orang yang bisa berbohong dengan mudah..." katanya lagi kepadaku.
"Baiklah anak-anak, saya akan meninggalkan kalian sekarang. Jangan lupa 3 hari lagi libur panjang akan dimulai!" kata Pak Arief. Ia pun keluar dari ruang kelas kami dan menutup pintu dengan lembut.
"Kino, Zian! Kita makan sushi yang dibuat oleh Akatsuki yuk!" ajak Kiari. Mereka semua sudah berkumpul di meja Akatsuki dan Kinako untuk memakan sushi keluarga Akatsuki yang sangat lezat. Aku pun berdiri dan menggandeng tangan Zian.
"Ayo, mereka menunggu kita bukan?" ajakku.
"Iya, mereka menunggu kita...." kata Zian dengan senyumnya yang manis. Kami pun memakan sushi Akatsuki dan melewati jam istirahat dengan tenang.

Bel pulang pun berdering dengan kencang. Aku dan Zian berjalan melalui gedung kelas Aerith. Kami bermaksud untuk mengajaknya makan di cafe yang kami sering kunjungi.
"Aerith! Kita makan ke cafe depan stasiun yuk!" seruku kepadanya.
"Kino, jaga sikapmu di sini. Kita kan merupakan kelas elit di sini dan diperlakukan sebagai orang terhormat..." kata Zian.
"Oh iya, aku hampir lupa...." kataku dengan sikap yang malu-malu. Aerith pun bergegas mengemasi tasnya dan berlari menuju kami.
"Kalian berdua digosipkan lagi oleh kelasku. Katanya kalian pacaran ya?" tanya Aerith.
"Tidak, kami tidak berpacaran Aerith..." kataku dan Zian secara bersamaan. Muka Zian terlihat sedikit merah dari biasanya.
"Hahaha, kita lihat saja...." kata Aerith. Akhirnya kami pun makan cake yang terkenal di cafe depan stasiun itu.
"Kan liburan nanti sebulan tuh.... Jadi nanti kita pergi keliling Indonesia saja... Itu lebih seru kan?" tanya Aerith kepadaku dan Zian.
"Iya sih, nanti aku akan tanya Ibu dan Bapakku. Tapi, syaratnya adalah Zian harus ikut!" kataku dengan tegas.
"Tenang saja Kino, aku pasti akan ikut. Percayalah kepadaku akan hal itu." kata Zian mengusap kepalaku dan senyum.
"Nanti akan ku konfirmasikan lagi. Kalau bisa tolong ajak teman sekelas kalian lainnya ya? Aku yakin mereka akan ikut dalam acara ini. Kujamin seru deh!" kata Aerith dengan semangat. Kita pun berpamitan dan aku mulai berjalan pulang ke rumah. Di sinilah hal paling sulit akan kualami. Karena belum tentu Orang tuaku akan mengizinkanku untuk pergi.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Amerald a heavenly and deadly place - part 6

What am I here for?, I thought for a second. I looked down to the ground and almost cried, when Tim patted my head and calmed me down.
"Azra, do not worry. We are going to get out of this world and go home, okay?" He smiled to me. And then tears went down from my eyes and I cried.
"I am sorry Tim! I cannot help you much more than this...." I said while hugging him tightly.
"What are you talking about? Do you think that you are being a burdened to me? That is silly, Azra. You already do what you can do. Anyway, this is just the beginning... am I right?" He smiled again wiping my tears.
"I guess you are right. Then, good luck on this match...." I let go of him and smiled. He stand up and went to the fighting arena.
"I am gonna end it now!" said Torry with confidence.

And the plan had just begun. It started with a very heavy attack from Tim. He eagerly attack Torry until Torry is cornered. And when he could have just killed Torry, Tim pretended to fail his attack. It gives Torry a big chance to attack. It is Torry's turn to attack Tim. Tim just kept avoiding, according to his plan. And you know, Tim is right afterall. Torry looked like he was very exhausted than the last time. And finally, Torry kneel down and just when he asked for a time out my key started to shine on it's own. And without me noticing, I already chanted a spell.
"By the power of the holy light, I here by turning my key into a weapon for peace. And with that power, I shall release the brightest light in the world!!" The key that I held that time turned into a staff. I then flapped my wing and hold Tim's hand. And before we knew it, we are flying on the red sky. Above the fighting arena in Amerald itself.
"Hey our match?! What about our match?!" Torry yell to Tim.
"What are you talking about? Don't you think you already lose?" said Tim with an intimidating aura to Torry.
"You little brat! I haven't lose yet! We'll see!" He tried to stand up but failed.
"See, told you Mr. Torry. You already lose. By a heart and by your condition right now!" Tim said to Torry. I chanted another spell so that the light can cover Amerald and we can go to the gate without Torry chasing us.
"By the holy power of love, insanity, and light! This hatred will be distinguish and the road will open!" Then a very powerful and bright light appeared and we can escaped.

"There is the gate! We should land here," said Tim after we flew trough the sky for about 45 minutes. So we landed right in front of the gate. Beside the gate is a sign that is covered with blood. So I clean it up a bit and read it. It says: When two people combine their feelings, the gate will open itself and they can continue their quest...
"What does it means by 'combine their feelings' anyway?" I asked Tim. Don't tell me..., I thought. I was very nervous when I read it.
"We have to do something to make this gate know that our feelings are connected to each other..." said Tim blushing.
"I think an ordinary hug will do, right?" I asked him nervously. So Tim hugged me tightly just like we do when I cried in front of him. But it did not work, the gate is still closed.
"So what should we do now, Azra?" He asked me nicely.
"How about if I kiss you cheek?" I answered him and turned my face away. He did not respond, but he hold my hand signing a 'YES' sign. So I nervously stand on my tiptoes and kiss his cheek. I heard his heart pounding so loud and his face is entirely red now.
"Umm... look Azra! The gate umm... opened itself! Let's go!" He said nervously with a cute, shy, and red face. I get down on my knees and tied my shoelaces. And then I stood up and captured his hand.
"What are you waiting for Tim, let us go to the other part of this world!" I said pointing at the gate.
"Oh, okay then. Let us go..." he said. The gate doesn't connect itself trough the other part of the world automatically. We have to walked for a while in a random space until we get trough the other gate. Our first time, it is a wide green area and a deep blue sky. I can easily see the gate from where we are standing. While we walked down the hill after the gate to the field, he smiled and leaned down to me.
"Hey Azra, I was very nervous back then, how about you?" He asked me.
"I was also nervous too, but I...." I answered while hiding my face.
"But, what?" He asked me.
"But I really think that is necessary and i wanted to prove you that I love you more than anything..." I continued my words. His hand is sweating, but he smiled to me.
"Really? To tell you the truth, I was very nervous too that my face turned red when you kiss my cheek..." He said.
"So we do prove ourselves that we love each other. That is why the gate opened." I responded to his words.
"Yes we do..." He said smiling again. Then Izara's letter began to shine again.
"Oh, look! Izara's letter shine again. I think there is another letter from her!" I said to Tim. The letter now said:

Dear Azaran Norwenia and Tim Aranorth,

It seems that you have done my plan well enough and you have already past the gate to Zarelard. Zarelard is the totally opposite world from Amerald. And you need to past it trough the Gate of Honor. It is shown in the map. But you muust also be careful, because the people here will do anything to make you stay in their heaven. But you two don't belong here and have to go home. Don't be fooled by tgose looks. If you find one, all you need to do is be as mean as people in Amerald and run. If you need food, try to trick them first. You only have 2 days to leave Zarelard or the gate will be closed for you.

xoxo Izara
That is what the letter said, and know the gate of Zarelard. What will be upon us this time?

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Trailer of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

pas gw lagi nyari-nyari Kindom Hearts, gw nemu trailernya untuk yang ketiga... this is a slight preview... CHECK IT OUT


try it!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

simple plan - untitled

because of a slight error, and because I got this from i inserted the video clip with it. So I hope you can play the song with your feeling (like a certain someone said to me once) please enjoy it!

Capo on 2nd Fret

strum E

I open my eyes
I try to see but I'm blinded by the white light
I can't remember how
I can't remember why
I'm lying here tonight
And I can't stand the pain
C# E
And I can't make it go away
No I can't stand the pain

How could this happen to me
I made my mistakes
I've got no where to run
The night goes on
As I'm fading away
I'm sick of this life
I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me
Everybody's screaming
I try to make a sound but no one hears me
I'm slipping off the edge

I'm hanging by a thread
I wanna start this over again
A B C# E
So I try to hold onto a time when nothing mattered
And I can't explain what happened
C# E A
And I can't erase the things that I've done
No I can't

How could this happen to me
I made my mistakes
I've got no where to run
The night goes on
As I'm fading away
I'm sick of this life
I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me

I made my mistakes
I've got no where to run
The night goes on
As I'm fading away
I'm sick of this life
I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Tasmanian Devil

When I was searching for Tasmanian Devil in wikipedia, I found out that they have this some kind of disease that will lead them to extincion faster. So I think that I should also tell you all about it....

S. harrisii or Sarcophilus harrissii

Conservation status
For some time, Tasmania was the last refuge of large marsupial carnivores. All of the larger carnivorous marsupials became extinct in mainland Australia shortly after humans arrived. Only the smallest and most adaptable survived. Fossil evidence from western Victoria shows that Tasmanian Devils retained a place on the Australian mainland until around 600 years ago (about 400 years before European colonisation). Their extinction is attributed to predation by dingoes and hunting by indigenous Australians. In dingo-free Tasmania, carnivorous marsupials were still active when Europeans arrived. The extermination of the Thylacine after the arrival of the Europeans is well known, but the Tasmanian Devil was threatened as well.
The first Tasmanian settlers ate Tasmanian Devil, which they described as tasting like veal. As it was believed devils would hunt and kill livestock, a bounty scheme to remove the devil from rural properties was introduced as early as 1830. Over the next 100 years, trapping and poisoning brought them to the brink of extinction. After the death of the last Thylacine in 1936, the threat to the devils was recognized. The Tasmanian Devil was protected by law in 1941, and the population slowly recovered.
At least two major population declines, possibly due to a disease epidemic, have occurred in recorded history: in 1909 and 1950. The Tasmanian Devil's current population is reported by Tasmania's Department of Primary Industries and Water as being in the range of 10,000 to 100,000 individuals, with 20,000 to 50,000 mature individuals being likely. Senior Scientist for the Devil Facial Tumour Disease program Hamish McCallum offers a more conservative estimate of at least 20,000 individuals and at most 75,000.

Devil facial tumour disease
Devil facial tumour disease causes tumours to form in and around the mouth, interfering with feeding and eventually leading to death by starvation.

First seen in 1995, devil facial tumour disease (DFTD) has ravaged Tasmania's wild devils, and estimates of the impact range from 20% to as much as a 50% decline in the devil population with over 65% of the State affected. Affected high-density populations suffer up to 100% mortality in 12–18 months. The species was listed as vulnerable under the Tasmanian Threatened Species Protection Act 1995 and the Australian Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 in 2006 which means that it is at risk of extinction in the "medium term". The IUCN does not regard the species as threatened; when this species was last evaluated for the IUCN in 1996, it was listed as lower risk/least concern.
Wild Tasmanian Devil populations are being monitored to track the spread of the disease and to identify changes in disease prevalence. Field monitoring involves trapping devils within a defined area to check for the presence of the disease and determine the number of affected animals. The same area is visited repeatedly to characterise the spread of the disease over time. So far, it has been established that the short-term effects of the disease in an area can be severe. Long-term monitoring at replicated sites will be essential to assess whether these effects remain, or whether populations can recover. Field workers are also testing the effectiveness of disease suppression by trapping and removing diseased devils. It is hoped that the removal of diseased devils from wild populations should decrease disease prevalence and allow more devils to survive beyond their juvenile years and breed.
The cancer's origin is a mystery, but studies indicate that the animals pass it on from one to another; i.e. the cancer is contagious. Short of a cure, scientists are removing the sick animals and quarantining healthy devils in case the wild population dies out. Because Tasmanian devils have extremely low levels of genetic diversity and a chromosomal mutation unique among carnivorous mammals, they are more prone to the infectious cancer.
Two "insurance" populations of disease-free devils are being established at an urban facility in the Hobart suburb of Taroona and on Maria Island off the east coast of Tasmania. Captive breeding in mainland zoos is also a possibility. The decline in devil numbers is also seen as an ecological problem, since its presence in the Tasmanian forest ecosystem is believed to have prevented the establishment of the Red Fox, illegally introduced to Tasmania in 2001. Foxes are a problematic invasive species in all other Australian States, and the establishment of foxes in Tasmania would hinder the recovery of the Tasmanian Devil.
Recent research from the University of Sydney has shown that the infectious facial cancer may be able to spread because of vanishingly low genetic diversity in devil immune genes (MHC class I and II) — raising questions about how well small, and potentially inbred, populations of animals are able to survive.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Final Fantasy VII

Bagian awal
Permainan ini bermula dari sebuah karakter protagonis, Cloud Strife, bergabung dengan organisasi anti-Shinra yakni AVALANCHE dimana organisasi ini sedang akan menyerang salah satu dari reaktor Mako yang mengelilingi kota Midgar. Reaktor Mako berhasil mereka hancurkan dan mereka segera kembali kemarkasnya dimana dalam perjalanan ini Cloud bertemu dengan Aeris Gainsborough, seorang wanita penjual bunga. Saat AVALANCHE melakukan misi berikutnya, mereka terperangkap oleh Presiden Shinra dimana mako reaktor tersebut ternyata dijaga oleh sebuah robot. Walaupun mereka berhasil mengalahkan robot tersebut, Cloud yang belum sempat untuk keluar dari reaktor terlempar dari tingkat atas Midgar akibat ledakan reaktor, dari tingkat atas Midgar Cloud terlempar sampai kepada bagian slum dibawah dan jatuh disebuah gereja pada Sektor 5, dia terjatuh diatas bunga-bunga dan tidak terluka parah. Digereja inilah Cloud mengenal Aeris. Aeris meminta Cloud bekerja sebagai penjaga dirinya dimana akhirnya Cloud setuju dan dalam seketika itu mereka berdua kedatangan tamu yakni, para Turk yang berasal dari Shinra dimana para Turk tersebut diperintahkan untuk menangkap Aeris.
Setelah pertarungan selesai, Aeris dengan senang hati menunjuk jalan menuju Sektor 7 (markas AVALANCHE). Saat diperjalanan Aeris berbicara bahwa pacar pertamanya adalah SOLDIER kelas satu sama seperti Cloud dulu. Tiba-tiba dalam perjalanan Aeris dan Cloud melihat Tifa masuk kedalam Wall Market, sebuah area pada Sektor 6 yang dikenal sebagai tempat aktifitas para kriminal. Mereka mengikuti Tifa sampai akhirnya mereka menyusup masuk kedalam rumah bos kriminal Don Corneo dan menemukan berita mengagetkan yaitu Shinra telah mengetahui markas AVALANCHE dan berencana untuk menghancurkan Sector 7. AVALANCHE yang mendengar berita itu tidak bisa tinggal diam dan mencoba menggagalkan rencana tersebut namun Shinra akhirnya berhasil menghancurkan Sektor 7, banyak para penduduk Sektor 7 yang meninggal termasuk 3 anggota AVALANCHE. Tidak lama setelah itu para Turk berhasil menangkap Aeris, dimana setelah kejadian itu diketahui bahwa Aeris adalah manusia terakhir yang bertahan hidup dari bangsa kuno bernama "Cetra". Presiden Shinra percaya bahwa Aeris dapat menunjukkan jalan menuju daerah impian yang dikenal sebagai "Promised Land", daerah yang mempunyai banyak energi mako dan Shinra bertujuan untuk mengambil energi tersebut.
Sebagai anggota tersisa dari AVALANCHE, Tifa, Barret, dan Cloud menyusup kedalam markas utama Shinra untuk menyelamatkan Aeris. Setelah berhasil menyelmatkan Aeris, mereka bertemu dengan Red XIII yang akhirnya bergabung dengan grup. Saat mereka akan melarikan diri dari markas Shinra, mereka menemukan para pekerja, termasuk Presiden Shinra, dibantai. Cloud melihat luka yang terdapat pada Presiden Shinra dan mengetahui bahwa pembantainya adalah SOLDIER bernama Sephiroth yang diduga hidup kembali. Pekerja yang ditemukan masih hidup dalam keadaan sekarat memberitahui Cloud dan yang lain bahwa dia melihat Sephiroth membunuh presiden serta berbicara bahwa dia tidak akan pernah mengijinkan Shinra untuk mendapatkan Promised Land. Cloud dan yang lain juga mengetahui bahwa kepala dari sebuah makhluk bernama "Jenova" menghilang dari bangunan fasilitas riset.
Setelah kejadian itu Shinra dipimpin oleh Rufus, anak dari Presiden Shinra, sedangkan AVANLACHE sekarang mengejar Sephiroth karena takut akan tujuan penggunaan dari Promised Land yang akan lebih membahayakan daripada tujuan Shinra. Dalam pengejaran ini beberapa orang mauk kedalam grup yakni, Yuffie Kisaragi, Cait Sith, Cid Highwind, dan Vincent Valentine. Saat perjalanan berlanjut, setiap anggota grup mengalami konflik tentang masa lalunya. Tidak lama setelah itu akhirnya rencana Sephiroth terbuka, rencananya adalah menggunakan "Meteor" untuk melukai planet ini separah mungkin, sehingga Lifestream yang berada dalamnya akan berkumpul pada luka tersebut untuk menyembuhkan luka itu. Sebelum Lifestream berkumpul Sephiroth berencana untuk masuk pada retakan-retakan luka tersebut, Sephiroth berencana untuk bergabung dengan seluruh energi di planet yang membuatnya mendapatkan kekuatan dewa. Untuk mencegah itu AVALANCHE berencana untuk mengambil Black Materia yang diperlukan untuk mengaktifkan Meteor, tetapi Sephiroth mengeluarkan kekuatan misterius yang membuat dirinya menguasai Cloud untuk mengaktifkan Black Materia.
Aeris, yang takut akan keinginan Sephiroth untuk menggunakan Meteor, sudah mengerti banyak tentang darah yang mengalir pada tubuhnya dari seorang profesor di Cosmo Canyon serta telah mendapatkan ingatan dari para pendahulunya di kuil Cetra. Ia memutuskan untuk menghentikan Sephiroth seorang diri. AVALANCHE yang khawatir akan hal itu terus mengikuti Aeris hingga akhirnya mereka tiba di kota kuno Cetra. Setelah mereka menemukan Aeris yang sedang berdoa untuk planet, Sephiroth yang tidak terlihat keberadaannya mencoba untuk membunuh Aeris dengan mengendalikan Cloud, namun Cloud menolak perintah Sephiroth. Sephiroth akhirnya muncul dan membunuh Aeris. Setelah mengucapkan selamat tinggal terakhir kepada Aeris, para karakter yang tersisa bersatu untuk membunuh Sephiroth dan membalaskan dendam atas kematiannya.

Bagian tengah cerita
Setelah kejadian itu, Sephirot mulai membuat Cloud meragukan ingatannya dan membuat Cloud mengetahui bahwa dirinya bukanlah manusia, tetapi dirinya adalah spesimen yang diciptakan dari genetik Jenova yang dibuat oleh Professor Hojo dari Shinra.
Jenova dimana akhirnya para pemain akan diceritakan, adalah sebuah makhluk parasit yang mendarat diplanet kira-kira 2000 tahun yang lalu menggunakan meteor. Akibat dari benturan meteor yang meninggalkan bekas kawah yang besar serta melukai planet, Jenova yang muncul dari kawah bertujuan untuk menyebarkan virus kepada seluruh organisme makhluk hidup diplanet, dimana virus tersebut dapat menyebabkan kegilaan dan membuat makhluk berubah menjadi monster. Korban yang paling banyak terjangkit adalah dari suku Cetra, Jenova menyebarkannya dengan cara menggunakan kemampuannya mimic'nya dimana dia mampu berubah bentuk dan menyamar menjadi sebagai orang Cetra.
Cetra yang berusaha untuk melindungi diri mereka, akhirnya membuat monster raksasa bernama "WEAPONs" atau dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti Senjata, tetapi mayoritas manusia memilih untuk kabur daripada berhadapan dengan Jenova. Sekelompok para orang yang masih hidup dari suku Cetra berjuang melawan Jenova untuk melindungi planet dan berhasil mengalahkan Jenova, serta menyegelnya pada kawah tempat Jenova mendarat. Setelah itu para "WEAPONs" memasuki masa hibernasinya untuk menunggu apabila akan ada ancaman yang kembali mengancam keselamatan planet. Namun jasad Jenova akhirnya ditemukan oleh Professor Gast, seorang penjelajah dari Shinra. Karena mengira bahwa makhluk tersebut adalah makhluk yang berasal dari suku Cetra, Gast akhirnya diberikan kekuasaan untuk melakukan percobaan pembuatan manusia artifisial dengan menggunakan kombinasi sel-sel Jenova dengan janin dari manusia yang tidak lahir untuk menghasilkan seorang Cetra.
5 tahun sebelumnya, Sephiroth mengetahui bahwa dia adalah hasil eksperimen saat dia berada di Nibelheim kota asal Cloud dan Tifa, untuk menjalankan misi. Namun dikarenakan Sephirot yang tidak peduli dengan detil-detil yang berkaitan, dia berkesimpulan bahwa dia adalah seorang dari suku Cetra yang telah diproduksi hanya dari material genetik Jenova. Dengan kemarahan yang luar biasa, Sephirot membakar kota, membunuh semua penduduk Nibelheim dan bertujuan untuk membunuh semua orang didunia yang merupakan keturunan para orang yang tidak ikut membuang dunianya dan tidak ikut melindungi dunia. Menurut Cloud, dia bertemu dengan Sephiroth saat pembantaian tersebut dan setelah itu Sephirot menghilang tanpa jejak lalu diasumsikan mati sampai akhirnya dia muncul kembali digedung Shinra. Saat perjalanan dan sudah sampai pada kawasan kawah utara, Sephiroth memberitahukan Cloud bahwa yang berada di Nibelheim saat itu bukanlah Cloud melainkan seorang SOLDIER kelas 1 dengan rambut hitam. Tifa yang tidak dapat membalas kata-kata tersebut membuat Cloud bingung dan ragu akan keberadaannya, hal tersebut menyebabkan Sephiroth dapat mengeluarkan Meteor, dimana dengan munculnya Meteor maka para "WEAPONs' terbangun dari masa hibernasinya. Dunia berguncang, gempa bumi yang besar, saat itu Cloud akhirnya terpisah dari teman-temannya dan terjatuh kedalam Lifestream.

Bagian Akhir
Saat meteor yang dipanggil oleh Sephirot semakin dekat dengan dunia, Shinra memfokuskan kinerjanya dalam melindungi para manusia dari para "WEAPONs", yang menganggap bahwa semuanya adalah ancaman untuk dunia. Ditempat lain, AVALANCHE yang mencari Cloud akhirnya menemukan dirinya berada disebuah rumah sakit yang berada pada sebuah pulau tropis, Cloud pada saat ini masih mengalami shok yang berat dan berlaku seperti orang cacat. Para "WEAPONs" yang mulai bergerak dan menghancurkan segalanya menyebabkan pulau kecil tempat AVALANCHE berada hancur berantakan, dimana Cloud dan Tifa jatuh kedalam Lifestream yang berada dibawah pulau tersebut. Disitu Tifa mulai mencoba untuk mengembalikan ingatan Cloud dan mengetahui kebenaran masa lalunya. Walaupun Cloud adalah seorang manusia asli dan berada di Nibelheilm saat pembantaian oleh Sephiroth, namun Cloud bukanlah seorang SOLDIER karena dia tidak berhasil menjadi SOLDIER dan hanya berhasil menjadi sebatas prajurit biasa. Diketahui bahwa SOLDIER dengan rambut hitam yang sebelumnya diingat oleh Cloud adalah Zack, dan dia adalah pacar pertama Aeris. Saat Sephiroth menghancurkan Nibelheim, Zack, Tifa dan Cloud bertarung melawan Sephirot didalam reaktor mako yang berada diNibelheim. Walaupun Tifa dan Zack dikalahkan oleh Sephiroth, Cloud masih terus bertarung hingga akhirnya Cloud dan Sephiroth sama-sama terluka parah. Sephiroth tiba-tiba langsung mengambil kepala Jenova, yang berada didalam reaktor mako tersebut dan melompat kedalam Lifestream.
Setelah kejadian itu, Tifa kembali dengan selamat sampai Midgar, dimana akhirnya dia bergabung dengan AVALANCHE, Cloud dan Zack yang termasuk sebagai para orang yang bertahan hidup dicap oleh Shinra sebagai pengkhianat dengan alasan membantu pembantaian Sephiroth. Profesor Hojo akhirnya menggunakan mereka semua yang bertahan hidup sebagai objek eksperimen, dimana dilakukan eksperimen yang sama dengan yang dilakukan untuk para SOLDIER. Namun dikarenakan Hojo melakukan eksperimen tanpa mempedulikan keadaan mental para objek eksperimen berakibat semua objek eksperimen memasuki status koma kecuali Zack. Hampir 5 tahun kemudian, Zack kabur dari penjara dan membawa Cloud dengannya. Disitulah dimana akhirnya Cloud yang telah diinjeksi sel-sel Jenova membentuk personalitas baru yang salah, dia membentuk dirinya sebagai Zack baik dari sifat, cara bertarung, maupun ingatan tentang kejadian di Nibelheim dan statusnya sebagai SOLDIER kelas satu, tetapi karena hal itu pula Cloud dapat dikuasai oleh Sephiroth. Zack dibunuh oleh tentara Shinra yang mengejarnya diluar Midgar, kejadian ini terjadi sesaat sebelum mulainya permainan. Setelah itu Tifa akhirnya bertemu Cloud yang menggunakan pakaian Zack dan langsung menawari pekerjaan dengan AVALANCHE.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Sekarang gw mau ngasih tau sedikit tentang binatang gaul yaitu: PLATYPUS!!!
Ini sedikit copy-paste langsung dari wikipedia kali ya... keliatan jelas banget ahaha!!!

The Platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) is a semi-aquatic mammal endemic to eastern Australia, including Tasmania. Together with the four species of echidna, it is one of the five extant species of monotremes, the only mammals that lay eggs instead of giving birth to live young. It is the sole living representative of its family (Ornithorhynchidae) and genus (Ornithorhynchus), though a number of related species have been found in the fossil record.

The bizarre appearance of this egg-laying, venomous, duck-billed, beaver-tailed, otter-footed mammal baffled European naturalists when they first encountered it, with some considering it an elaborate fraud. It is one of the few venomous mammals; the male Platypus has a spur on the hind foot that delivers a venom capable of causing severe pain to humans. The unique features of the Platypus make it an important subject in the study of evolutionary biology and a recognisable and iconic symbol of Australia; it has appeared as a mascot at national events and is featured on the reverse of the Australian 20 cent coin.

Until the early 20th century it was hunted for its fur, but it is now protected throughout its range. Although captive breeding programs have had only limited success and the Platypus is vulnerable to the effects of pollution, it is not under any immediate threat.


The body and the broad, flat tail of the Platypus are covered with dense brown fur that traps a layer of insulating air to keep the animal warm. The Platypus uses its tail for storage of fat reserves (an adaptation also found in animals such as the Tasmanian Devil[10] and fat-tailed sheep). It has webbed feet and a large, rubbery snout; these are features that appear closer to those of a duck than to those of any known mammal. The webbing is more significant on the front feet and is folded back when walking on land. Unlike a bird's beak (in which the upper and lower parts separate to reveal the mouth), the snout of the Platypus is a sensory organ with the mouth on the underside. The nostrils are located on the dorsal surface of the snout, while the eyes and ears are located in a groove set just back from it; this groove is closed when swimming. Platypuses have been heard to emit a low growl when disturbed and a range of other vocalisations have been reported in captive specimens.

Weight varies considerably from 0.7 to 2.4 kg (1.5 to 5.3 lb), with males being larger than females: males average 50 cm (20 in) total length while females average 43 cm (17 in). There is substantial variation in average size from one region to another, and this pattern does not seem to follow any particular climatic rule and may be due to other environmental factors such as predation and human encroachment.

The Platypus has an average body temperature of about 32 °C (90 °F) rather than the 37 °C (99 °F) typical of placental mammals. Research suggests this has been a gradual adaptation to harsh environmental conditions on the part of the small number of surviving monotreme species rather than a historical characteristic of monotremes.

The modern Platypus young have three-cusped molars which they lose before or just after leaving the breeding burrow; adults have heavily keratinised pads in their place. The Platypus jaw is constructed differently from that of other mammals, and the jaw-opening muscle is different. As in all true mammals, the tiny bones that conduct sound in the middle ear are fully incorporated into the skull, rather than lying in the jaw as in cynodonts and other pre-mammalian synapsids. However, the external opening of the ear still lies at the base of the jaw. The Platypus has extra bones in the shoulder girdle, including an interclavicle, which is not found in other mammals. It has a reptilian gait, with legs that are on the sides of the body, rather than underneath.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Amerald a heavenly and deadly place - part 5

It is so amazing! Just as that feeling is gone, me and Tim are wearing this strange armor. This armor reflected any power that will make us in danger. Not only that, I have this wing that made me looked like an angel even if the armor made me look strange. And Tim? Wow, he is so cool. He got this tattoos. There are white roses on his left arm and some dragons on his right arm. And not only that, he got this sword that looked heavy enough for me.
"We won't lose to you, citizen of Amerald!" said Tim bravely.
"Huh? You little kid? You can not even swing that big sword!" Teased Torry to Tim.
"Of course I can! I even challenged you to a duel with me!" Said Tim with his face shining brightly like a hero.
"A duel? Someone like you against me? The leader of Amerald?" he said.
"Hmph..." Tim put his sword down and smiled.
He turned to me and said "Do you believe in me?" I was startled by his smile.
"Of course I do..." I reflectively answered. "I even bet my life in it. I believe that you will win that duel..." He then picked up his sword again and yell "Torry, the ruler of Amerald! I, Tim Aranorth challenged you to a one on one duel!" Tim challenged Torry in a formal way.
"Name It!" Torry responded.
"Sword challenge, the time is up to you!" Tim responded to Torry.
"I give you five hours from now" Torry grinned and left us alone. Tim looked nervous to me, I walked towards him and held his hand.
"It is okay, I am here and I believe in you. I believe that you will win" He looked up to the sky.
"Thank you, just knowing that you believe in me... Makes me so happy..." He turned and smile to me.

And it is now time for the battle, the armor won't turned into the key anymore. I think me and Tim are stuck in this armor until we got out of Amerald.
"It is time kid! What sword will you use?" said Torry.
"This sword here, of course" Tim said with confidence.
"Tim are you going to be okay?" I asked him.
"I will, because I know that you will believe in me winning this battle." He answered with his sweet smile. And so the battle begin! It started with an attack from Torry. He used his sword like he was trained for this battle a long time ago. While Tim, he only avoided Torry's attack. Suddenly, there was this light that came from Izara's letter. It now says:

Dear Azra,

Tim already knew that if he killed Torry, he will be the next leader of Amerald. So while Torry is extremely exhausted, you need to release the light within you. After that took Tim with you and fly to the gate. I know it will be hard and exhausting, but you should give it a try if you want to get home and back to your ordinary life quicker.

xoxo- Izara

"This is a very good plan, but..." I hesitated for a while. "I am afraid if Tim can not handle Torry himself. He seems exhausted already, just by avoiding Torry's attack." I hesitated and start to disbelieved about what would happen. It seems that Tim noticed me frowning and he smiled in the middle of an attack. It made him fell down to the ground real hard. I can not believe myself in making him do that reckless thing.
"Tim, are you okay?!" I shouted.
"I am alright, but please do not frown like that again. It will make me worry about you!" he answered with a smile. I asked for a time out to Torry and tell him about Izara's plan.
"It is brilliant, maybe I should fight with this sword a little. To make him even tired again, agree?" he said.
"I agree, but please be careful, okay?" I said to him. I was very worried about his condition and all. But I believe that we can win this match! We have to get out of this world as quickly as we can. But I can only depend on Tim. Now I am so worried, am I being a burdened to him? Is he going to be okay?

Amerald a heavenly and deadly place - part 4

"As you can see here, Amerald is divided into three worlds. Amerald itself have a sky as red as blood but the grass is so peaceful and beautiful. Amerald is for the muderers that I told you before. The second world is Zarelard, it has a beautiful sky, beautiful people, and a beautiful life. Although the people there is very dispicable and can not be trusted by their looks. The last world is for the workers like me. We live in a time, when there is no past and no future to see. The world called Xezaminald that has the black sky." Explained Izara. "Now for your souvenir...." she rubbed her pockets and there are two keys that she hold. One key is white and the other key is black and white. "Becareful, from this world to your world..." she stopped for a while.

"Yes?" I finally asked her because she is taking too long to think.

"You will need to go trough this three worlds. This keychains will help you both... here take it.." she said to us. I took the white key and Tim took the black and white key. We hang it on our hips so it won't get off so easily.

"Goodbye and so long! Thank you for your visit!!!" she then pulled a rope that made me and Tim fell into the world where the sky is as red as blood. Yes, it is Amerald.

"So Tim what should we do now?" I asked Tim that have been quite for the time.

"Enjoying the trip of course! Anyway, hold on to your keychain... I think it is important..." He said with his glimmering eyes! And believe it or not, his eyes are glimmering with light almost like in the comic books! It is very incredible...

"Okay! Let us start the journey now!" I said in a very full of energy and then I got depressed again somehow. "But where should we head for?" I asked Tim.

"To the north!" he said suddenly with full power. "There is a message from Izara! Look here!" he said again asking me to join him with his hand.

Dear Azaran and Tim,

I am sorry, I forgot to tell you that you should head north. There will be a gate to the next world there. Here is a map of Amerald, Zarelard, and Xezaminald. And I have given you a compass too. And please keep this letter, I will write to you oftenly to tell you about every information that you needed. Please becareful.

xoxo- Izara Loramalde

"That is kind of her! Well, let's see! It seems that we should turn right and go on forward. And there will be a gate to the next world! This map is really helpful. Okay Tim, let us go home!" I said with full of my energy.
"Okay..." said Tim with a smile. We then walked along the path to the gate. Not long after that, we found a citizen of Amerald or in other words are murderer.
"You have a smell of innocent people..." he said sniffing around. "You two are not from here, are you?" he continued with his scary looking face. He had a black wavy hair and a scar on his face. He wear an orange jumpsuit and had a name tag that said "I'm Torry, ready to die?". I looked around us, the other citizens are busy with the robots that Izara explained to us. But this Torry guy came to us with a knife, just ready to kill us anytime. Especially that he knows we are from another world. Just as I suspected, he is ready to kill us. He take a lead and run towards us. Just as his knife are very close to me and Tim, the key shines! It shined so brightly that this Torry guy closed his eyes and step back a little. At that time I was surrounded by the light and felt very warm. And I saw Tim surrounded in darkness, but he looked happy just like me. But I do not know what will happen next after this warm feeling...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Amerald a heavenly and deadly place - part 3

He hold my face closely to his and I can see him blushing.
"I just want to say..." he said nervously.
"Yes what is it Tim?" I said with my face getting red.
"I just want to say that I like you Azra. I really do, since the first time the light got you in that window. When your eyes sees trough it and that time...." he said it carefully and with a small voice. I crossed my hand on his lips and hold his hands that is on my face.
"It's okay, I know. To tell you the truth, I just realize that I also like you. I felt very comfortable with you. And I never felt this way before.... I just want you to stand by me and never leave me alone...." He hugged me again and made me cry. Maybe this is the last time I will feel like this...., I thought. But it is not important right now. I guess kknowing that someone will stand by you anytime and anywhere make you warm inside. After all that crying, I wiped my tears.
"You are not afraid right?" He asked me, I nodded to response his question. "Then let us go to Amerald!"
"Oh wait!" I said. He stopped and look confused. "If I will never see you again?" I stopped for a while. "Can you smile for me for the last time?" I asked him nervously.
"Of course, and that smile will only be for you..." he smiled and held my hands more tightly. And then we step forward and chanted the spell together.
"First step, the way of saying thank you to each other with some dead people. Second step, the way to kill people together in a "nice" way. Third step, wait for our pet to die. And the last step, wait for Amerald together, the heaven of world come to you!" Then, a bright light come closer to us. "COME IN" that thing said to us. It was very scary, but with us together, it won't be. We stepped into that light. Suddenly, a black hooded man came to us....
"Welcome to Amerald... It seems that you are new here...." he said. He then grabbed a strange machine and pointed it at us. "Oh dear, it seems that you two don't belong to Amerald. I am so sorry, but according to the scanner you two are still innocent and don't deserve to be in Amerald or any of our world..." that black hooded man said to us. I was very dissapointed at that time, I did not think that if you want to go to Amerald, you have to be scanned by a strange machine. "Well, I will only gave you a tour then. Like that girl over there..." That person quickly added and pointed his hand to the girl I saw when I cleaned my dog.
"We are not citizens, then?" said Tim interupting the black hooded man explanation.
"I am sorry to dissapointed you two. But only 'real' murderers live here. They do not deserve to live anymore. That is why we created a portal to Amerald. It is the heaven for murderers. We gave them robotic people to kill, as you can see for yourself there...." He point at a man that looks like the grim reaper on the window next to him. He killed a robot in front of him and laugh terrifyingly.
"I see.... Thank you for the explanation. Then let's enjoy the tour..." Tim grinned.
"I will led you three back to your world, I promise that..." He said.
"Yes, and when Izara promised about something she will keep her promises..." said the little girl suddenly right beside the black hooded man.
"Didn't I told you before sis? Do not talk to me when I got customers! And dissapear only in front of a spooky person! Now look at them! They are still innocent and they even killed their own friends..." That black hooded man yelledat the little girl and open his hood. That black hooded man is actually a girl! She has a very deep blue eyes and a perfectly long blond hair. She suddenly bowed down and apoligize to me and Tim.
"I am so sorry! This is all my little sister, Irania's fault! And this kind of thing never happened before!" she said to us.
"It is okay! My name is Azaran, but you can call me Azra. And this guy here is..." I introduced myself to Izara.
"Tim, nice to meet you. Izara is it not?" said Tim interupting my introduction.
"Yes, I am Izara Loramalde. I am one of the workers from Xezaminald. Anyway, I will give you the tour now okay?" she answered with a smile. Without asking anything, we finally got the tour! It is only about explanation and all, but It really is going to help us for the preparation. Yes, the preperation of going to Amerald to go home....

Monday, December 15, 2008

Solitary Serenade

Ini lagunya OST dari Zombie Loan.... Menurut gw lagunya lumayan nancep di hati (alah lebay) Yang nyanyiin orang jepang karena ini OST buat sebuah anime... Bahasa Inggrisnya gak terlalu jelas sih... Jadi, liriknya ditaro' dibawah situ....
But, please enjoy it!!!

Vocals: Sekiyama Aika
Lyrics: MAIS
Music: Sawano Hiroyuki

When I see your perfect smile
My heart will cry
My broken heart will hide itself in the shadow
In this solitary space
Seems like floating in
To the darkest night

Reachin' for the stars
Talkin' to the moon
With that bravery
When I look up to the sky
And then will pass away
Just the same way

* Hold my love again
Wishing on a night for ever
And then, and then again
I will be myself to find a way
Hold my love again
Praying for my dream for evermore
And then, someday again
I will get through the night

All the things unsaid
All the things undone
Lock me in this place
Never let me see the truth
And then will hide away
Just the same way

* Repeat

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Amerald a heavenly and deadly place - part 2

Then, the two bodies disappear into thin air. I hugged Tim, because I am so scared and cried out loud.
"I am afraid Tim! I am scared!"
"Do not worry Azra. We are here together. And we will take all the risk together!" he cheered me up.
"Okay, I am so sorry...." I let go of him and stand up bravely.
"Do not worry! I will stand by you until the end. Now how about we buy a fish tomorrow? We do not need to feed it, so it will be easier for it to die...." he said with a smile.

"Okay, I understand..." I wiped my tears and held his hands. So we buy a medium size fish and a littler one together. Then we put it in an aquarium at our school and leave it alone. Guess what? Nobody even talked about the disappearness of Alan and Zeran (the boy who was killed by Tim). It is strange but it is good enough for me. Anyway, I never realized this before, but knowing that Tim is beside me always make me warm and at peace. Even if we are going to Amerald, the heaven of all murderers.

"Look Tim! It is almost dead! The fish is almost dead!" I yelled out loudly that evening. Luckily, no one is there. Everyone has already gotten home or either they had club activities.
"Really? That is great Azra! That is great! After all the search about Amerald! I am lucky to have found you Azra!" he said suddelny crouching next to me.
"Really? Thank you! No one ever said that to me. Even when my parents are still alive.." I said sadly.
"Huh? Your parents are not with you anymore?" he said with a confused kind of face.
"No, they died 3 years ago on a car accident..." I said without any expression.
"And you are not sad about it? I even cried out loud when my parents died 5 years ago, maybe it is because they are being murdered back then..." He said, letting his eyes see the sky.
"No, it is something usual... People come and go.... That is why I do not cry if there is something like that.... It is not worthed..." I said, still without any expression in my face.
"I never thought of that kind of way. It is so pitiful of me then..." he said. Seeing his face frowning, I quickly change the topic.
"Hey Tim, the fish..." I said.
"Oh yeah, how is it?" he asked me with a little tears in his eyes.
"It is dead! It is dead Tim! We are going to Amerald!" I said cheerfully. The fish then shine brightly and fly to the air.
"Congratulations! You two already finished the tasks of being a citizen in Amerald. Tomorrow at Dawn, you two should go to the shrine and say the steps" It said to us. That fish then disappear into thin air just like the dead bodies. I was so scared, but there is no way we are looking back. So I just grabbed Tim's hand and said to myself It is time to face it!

Now here we are, at dawn on the first step of the shrine. We hold our hands tightly. When suddenly Tim hugged me! He hugged me so thight that I can't think anymore. What is he going to say? Is he going back now? Or is he going to confess about something? Well let's just see my friend...

Friday, December 5, 2008

Amerald a heavenly and deadly place - part 1

One step, Two steps, three steps, and the fourth step led you to a deadly place. A place that is called Amerald.

"I see it for myself! that person just dissapeared! She dissapeared just right in the fourth step in the shrine steps!" I yelled it out loudly. Yes, I was one of a victim in this "Amerald cases". I was the first girl at school that saw a little girl with an empty space in her eyes.
"First step, the way of saying thank you with a dead people. Second step, the way to kill people in a "nice" way. Third step, wait for your pet to die. And the last step, wait for Amerald, the heaven of world came to you" said that girl while I was cleaning my dog. Just after she said that, she dissapeared. I told everyone about what I saw, but no one believed me. Not only that, they think that i am crazy and left me alone. Maybe I should try that Amerald place? I thought. Who knows? maybe it is a heaven like the little girl said, I thought about it again.
"Amerald? Have you ever seen it before?" said a boyish voice and getting his face closer to me. His Tim, a strange boy that is also being avoided by the class.
"I'm sorry, did i scared you?" he said.
"No, not at all..." I smiled.
"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Tim, and you are?" He said with a smile.
"I'm Azaran, just call me Azra" I said softly.
"You know, I tried to get into Amerald once and failed. So there is nothing will make you go into there too. Not only that, it is a place where murderers are held" he said with his face turned into a frown.
"No way. But I saw a girl and...." I said.
"She said what she did. She killed at least 2 living things, and one of them is a human..." he said.
"But I want to go there too! I really want to know..." I insist.
"Hmm, alright then. I will go with you there. So there is your first target, see there?" he said.
"Yes, she is Alan if i am not mistaken." I said with confidence.
"Well, she is very annoying. She said that Amerald is just a stupid thing. If you really want to go to Amerald with me, kill her and say thank you to me. We will go there together just like I promised you, OK?" he said.
"Okay, but how about you Tim?" I asked him.
"I will kill a boy, it is easier..." He said.
"Oh, Okay. I will show you that I can kill her. And if you want to make it easier, we should kill them in a "nice" way. So we will get 2 steps at one step..." I said.
"Okay, I will do that too..." He nodded.

So there it is, our plan to get Amerald. I was planning how to kill Alan in a "nice" way, when suddenly Tim sat right next to me and whispered his plan.
"Here is the plan......" he said. I was frightened when I hear it. And believe me, you do not want to know what we planned on that day together. So I suggested you imagined it yourself. Well anyway, the plan was a great success!!! So anyway, Me and Tim met at the park that night after the plan was successful. We bring the dead bodies and say thank you to each other with it. Suddenly, the dead bodies shine and fly up trough the sky and said
"Welcome to Amerald, you two already pass the first and second steps, right? Then Congratulations! Do the third step and come to the fourth step at the shrine. And our heaven will come to you...." so there it is friend, our story began from that day.....

simple plan-perfect

Simple Plan "Perfect-acoustic"

Verse 1:
Hey dad look at me
Think back and talk to me
Did I grow up according to plan?
And do you think I'm wasting my time doing things I wanna do?
But it hurts when you disapprove all along
And now I try hard to make it
I just want to make you proud
D Em
I'm never gonna be good enough for you
I can't pretend that I'm alright
And you can't change me

'Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and
We can't go back
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect

Verse 2:
I try not to think
About the pain I feel inside
Did you know you used to be my hero?
All the days you spent with me now seem so far away
And it feels like you don't care anymore
And now I try hard to make it
I just want to make you proud
D Em
I'm never gonna be good enough for you
I can't stand another fight
And nothing's alright


Bm A G
Nothing's gonna change the things that you said
Bm A G
Nothing's gonna make this right again
Please don't turn your back
I can't believe it's hard
Just to talk to you
But you don't understand

Chorus x2

living on the jet plane

G7 C F
All my bags are packed I'm ready to go
I'm standing here outside your door,
C Am G G7
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye.
But the dawn is breaking it's early mor'n
The taxi waiting he is blowing his horn
C Am G G7
Already i'm so lonesome I could cry.


So kiss me and smile for me,
tell me that you'll wait for me,
C Dm G7
hold me like you will never let me go.
Cuz I'm leaving on a jetplane,
don't know when I'll be back again.
Am G7
Oh babe I hate to go.

There's so many times I've let you down,
So many times I've played around.
I tell you now that they don't mean a thing.
Every place I'll go I'll think of you.
Every song I'll sing, I'll sing for you.
When I come back I'll bring your wedding ring.

So kiss me....

Now the time has come I'm leaving you.
Just one more time let me kiss you.
Then close your eyes and I'll be on my way.
You can dream about the days to come,
when I won't have to leave alone,
about the times when I won't have to say.

So kiss me....

Lumina from Harvest Moon DS

Lumina spends a lot of time playing the piano at her grandmother Romana's mansion in the northwest corner of the valley. Romana is fairly well-to-do and has been trying to raise Lumina to be a proper lady, but her granddaughter is looking for a different kind of life. In the mornings Lumina will be practicing the piano at the mansion and spend the afternoons looking at the Goddess Pond.

Spring 29

+800 LP+9 FP
+500 LP+9 FP
Normal Items:
Perfume, Diamond, Pink Diamond
Cooked Items:
Omelet, Omelet Rice, Risotto, Dry Curry, Rainbow Curry, Ultimate Curry, Finest Curry, Baked Yam, Doria, Grautin, Sweet Potatoes, Cake, Chocolate Cake, Strawberry Milk, Relaxtea Leaves
+300 LP+3 FP
Normal Items:
Moondrop Flower, Toy Flower, Pinkcat Flower, Sweet Potato, Blue Magicgrass Flower, Red Magicgrass Flower, Wool, Yarn, Necklace, Bracelet, Brooch, Earrings, Dress, Sunblock, Facial Pack, Skin Lotion, Mystrile, Orichalc, Adamantite, Moonstone, Sandrose, Alexandrite, Mythic Stone, Emerald, Ruby, Topaz, Peridot, Fluorite, Agate, Amethyst, Bread, Chocolate
Cooked Items:
Fried Rice, Savory Pancake, Croquette, Scrambled Eggs, Curry Bread, French Toast, Doughnut, Grilled Fish, Pancake, Pot Sticker, Hot Chocolate, Candied Potato, Strawberry Jam, Stew, Curry Rice, Blue Curry, Green Curry, Red Curry, Yellow Curry, Orange Curry, Purple Curry, Indigo Curry, Black Curry, White Curry, Toast, Cookies, Chocolate Cookies, Cheesecake, Apple Pie, Fruit Juice, Fruit Latte, Mixed Juice, Mixed Latte, Ketchup, Chimaki, Steamed Bun, Shaomi, Chinese Dumpling, Curry Bun, Sponge Cake, Steamed Cake, Pudding, Salad, Sandwitch, Fruit Sandwitch, Chirashi Sushi, Ice Cream
-500 LP-3 FP
Normal Items:
Blue Grass, Green Grass, Red Grass, Yellow Grass, Orange Grass, Purple Grass, Indigo Grass, Black Grass, White Grass, Rice Cake, Branch, Wood Lumber, Stone Lumber, Dog Ball
Cooked Items:
French Fries, Fried Thick Noodles, Fried Noodles, Noodles, Curry Noodles, Tempura Noodles, Buckwheat Noodles, Tempura Buckwheat Noodles, Mountain Stew, Rice Soup, Porridge, Bodigizer, Turbojolt, Roasted Rice Cake, Vegetable Latte, Bodigizer XL, Turbojolt XL, Sushi, Sashimi
-800 LP-9 FP
Normal Items:
Toadstool, Pirate Treasure, Fish Fossil, Lithograph, Fish Bones, Empty Can, Boot, Weed, Stone, Gold Lumber, Fodder, Bird Feed
Cooked Items:
Stir Fry, Happy Eggplant, Pumpkin Stew, Boiled Spinach, Pizza, Vegetable Juice, Pickled Turnips, Pickled Cucumber
-5000 LP-20 FP
Elli Leaves

Black Heart Event» Romana's mansion» 7:30 pm to 8:00 pm
An argument erupts between Lumina and her grandmother. Sebastian is having a problem getting the two of them to compromise and asks for your assistance. Neither one of the girls wants your help at first, but Lumina suggests that you can settle their problem for them.
Lumina was worried about her Grandmother's health, so she made her a present. When she gave it to Romana everyone was happy until Romana opened the gift. Romana did not like what she was given, even if Lumina had spent the time to make her a "belly warmer" (haramaki). Romana says only old people use belly warmers and she is not old! They begin to argue again.
Lumina asks you who is in the wrong. Tell them that Sebastian is wrong, and he'll chuckle and admit that it's all his fault. The two girls realize they're being silly and Romana thanks her granddaughter for the gift.

Purple Heart Event» Wake up in the morning» Own the DVD Player and a DVD, sunny day
When you awake in the morning, Lumina will come by for a visit. She apologizes for coming so early but she had heard from someone that you have purchased a DVD Player. She is really interested in checking it out. Go ahead and "show her" the DVD Player.

Blue Heart Event» Exit the Sprite Company Tree» 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm, sunny day
When you leave the tree you spot Lumina looking around the ground. She is glad to see you and explains she has dropped something important. Lumina asks if you will look for it with her.
Agree to search with her and Lumina explains she had dropped a heirloom necklace. The two of you take a look around the Goddess Pond. Eventually you find the necklace and return it to Lumina. She is glad that her grandmother won't be mad at her now. She thanks you, blushes, and then heads back to the mansion.

Yellow Heart Event» Romana's mansion, Lumina's bedroom» 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm, sunny day
Upstairs in her room Lumina is looking out her window for Van. She thought you were the jolly peddler when you entered her room, but she's not disappointed to see you. Lumina tells you that after she saw your dvd player she had Sebastian call up Van for a visit.
Van finally arrives and asks Lumina if she wanted to order something. Lumina begins to explain about how she wanted a dvd player like your's, but Van suddenly looks distressed. He explains that you had bought the last one! It's up to you now, so Van takes his leave.
Lumina is sad that she can't have her own dvd player, so tell her that it's okey for her to go to your house to watch your player. That makes her very happy.

Harvest Moon: Save The Homeland-Animals

In Save the Homeland, there is a little bit of a difference when it comes to animals then in the other games. In this game you do not start out with a dog. You have to find a dog, get it to like you and then train it and let it love you. To get a horse you also have to get it to love you, then train it to make it love you more and run faster. With the other animals, you may have Cows and Chickens. There aren't any Sheep in this game, but the way Cows and Chickens are held up is like most of the other games. Below is a detailed list of the few animals in this game.

The Chicken is usually the first animal you add to your farm family. It is an easy way to make a profit, and it is the easiest animal group to expand. You will also need some chickens to complete some endings. Most people think that you just have to go up to the Farmer's Shop and buy one for 500 Gold, no that is a waste of your gold. On the very first day, go to the Supermarket and buy an Egg for 50 Gold. Then go back to your farm and put it in the incubator. It will take a few days but soon you will have a baby chick, then a full grown hen and you will start to pump in the gold! Every day you must feed your chicken using Chicken Feed (10 Gold per Bag at the Farmer's Shop). Every morning your chickens will lay Eggs for you. Collect the Eggs and then you can sell them for 50 Gold per Egg.

Egg Value
Regular: 50 Gold
Golden: 0 Gold
Buy Price: 500 Gold
Sell Price: 300 Gold
Incubator: 3 Days
Fully Grown: 6 Days
Total Growth: 9 Days

On Sunny and Clear days, leave your Chickens outside. They will be able to feed on the grass instead of you having to buy Chicken Feed for them. The more you keep them outside, the more they will feel loved and the quicker they will lay Golden Eggs. Make sure that when they are in the Chicken Coop, that you feed them daily. If you do not have 6 chickens, then make sure to only fill int he number of bins that you have chickens, and also to put the feed in the bins with chicken names.

The Cow is one of the biggest profit makers in this game. It is also a key role in completing a couple of endings. To buy a cow, head on over to the Farmer's Shop. The cow does cost 2500 Gold, but it is definately worth it. You will also need to buy the Brush for 300 Gold at Louis' Tool Shop and the Milker for 1800 Gold also at Louis' Tool Shop. Talk to, Brush, Feed, and Milk your cow every day to show it that you care. The more you love and care for your cow, the better quality milk it will give you.

Milk Value
Small: 150 Gold
Medium: 200 Gold
Large: 300 Gold
Golden: 400 Gold
Buy Price: 2500 Gold
Sell Price: 3000 Gold
Pregnant to Calf: 20 Days
Calf to Adult: 10 Days
Level One: Grow up nice and strong.
Level Two: Produces Small Milk.
Level Three: Produces Medium Milk.
Level Four: Produces Large Milk.
Level Five: Might produce Golden Milk.

On Sunny and Clear days, leave your Cows outside. They will be able to feed on the grass instead of the fodder in which you must cut. The longer they spend their time outside, the higher the chance of them producing Golden Milk. Golden Milk is worth a lot more and can be used in a couple of Endings. Make sure to Brush and Milk your cow every day. If your Cow gets sick, give it some Animal Medicine. If you do not give it Animal Medicine, then it will continue to be sick and eventually die. While your Cow is sick it will produce the milk size one down from what it usually produces. If you would like to impregnate an adult cow, give it the Miracle Potion and it will impregnate the cow for 20 days before the Baby Calf is born.

The Dog in most Harvest Moon games is usually given to you right off the bat, but not in this game. In Save the Homeland you must win your dog's affection. To do this start out by putting some food in the Dog Food Dish outside of your house. Each morning you will notice that the food is gone. You will also notice that there are many dogs running around (there are two types; Traditional Dog with Red Collar, Wolf-Like Dog with Blue Collar). They can be found on your farm, Walnut Forest, and the Harvest Goddess Lake areas. If you walk up to them, they will quickly run away and you won't be able to catch them. The only way to get a dog is to get one of the dogs to like you enough so that you can catch him. To catch the dog chase after it, if it likes you enough, you will be able to catch up to it and pick it up using the X button. To get the dogs to like you, just make sure to have food in the dog food dish every day. Once you have your own dog, you can train him in using the Flute (given to you by Louis one day down at Maple Lake). You can train your dog to do many different things (see Dog Tricks).

Level One: He is starting to like me.
Level Two: He comes to me when I whistle.
Level Three: I think he's starting to run faster now.
Level Four: He is getting smarter and he listens to what I say.
Level Five: A man's best friend, he is my buddy.

You can buy your dog a Dog House for 5000 Gold. When you buy this you won't have to bring your Dog in and out of your house at night when it rains. Your dog will be able to sleep inside its dog house. Be sure to feed your dog every day and to train it every day with your flute. This will help your dog to love you more and make it a much smarter dog. Your dog is key to completing one of the endings.

The Horse plays a key role in one of the endings. It also can be used much differently in this game then in any other Harvest Moon game. In Save the Homeland, you have the ability to ride your horse all around the Homeland, where you please. You also get to choose the color and type of your horse. To do this go to Brownie Farm and enter the Farmer's Shop. On the list select Part-Time Work and you will start working for Bob. When down at the track, go ahead talk to, brush, and milk the cow. Once that is out of your way, pick the horse in which you like the most. Then talk to and brush that horse and that horse only for that first day. Bob won't agree with how well you did the job, but who cares. From then on go ahead and finish your job right with all the Horses, the first Horse you chose will like you just a little bit more meaning this will be the horse given to you. One day Bob will stop by your farm and give you a horse, it should be the horse in which you liked the most. Once it is at home you can train it by calling it, brushing it, and talking to it. Once it reaches Heart Level 2, you will be able to ride it wherever you want around the homeland.

Level One: We are getting along better.
Level Two: He can run now.
Level Three: He is running faster now.
Level Four: Top Speed.
He runs like the wind.
Level Five: He is confident that he will not lose to anyone.

Unlike other Harvest Moon games, your Horse stays in the stable. You must feed it everyday and be sure to bring it inside on rainy days. Make sure to Brush and Talk to your Horse everday and it will begin to like you more and more. Your Horse will be used to complete one of the endings and it helps you get around the Homeland a lot quicker. The more you Love your Horse, the more it will Love you, and the more respect you will get from Bob and Gwen.

Dog Tricks
In Save the Homeland, you have the ability to train your dog. To do this you will need a flute made by Louis. The flute cannot be bought, but you can still obtain one. Make sure to befriend Louis giving him many Walnuts and Eggs. Then one day when you visit Maple Lake, you will see him playing his Flute. He will give you one and then teach you how to play it.
To play the flute simply equip the flute. Then press the Square button, after that holding down the X button while you use the other notes to play (see below). The flute is used to give you a better conection between you and your dog. The more you train your dog, the more hearts he will gain. It may take some time before your dog reacts to some of the commands that you will play, but eventually he should react instantly when he loves you enough.

Bark: Left, Right, Left, Right
Heel: Left, Right, Right
Jump: Left, Up, Right
Lay Down: Up, Down, Down
Round up Cows: Left, Right, Left, Right
Sit: Up, Left, Down
Sit Up: Down, Up, Up


[Capo 1.]
[See tab at end for chord fingerings.]


Fmaj7 G
Every time I think of you
Em F
I get a shot right through into a bolt of blue
It's no problem of mine but it's a problem I find
Em F - F(#4)
Living a life that I can't leave behind

There's no sense in telling me
Em F
The wisdom of a fool won't set you free
But that's the way that it goes and it's what nobody knows
Em F
And every day my confusion grows

Fmaj7 G(9)
Every time I see you falling
Em F - F(#4)
I get down on my knees and pray
F - F(#4) G
I'm waiting for that final moment
Em F
You say the words that I can't say


I feel fine and I feel good
I feel like I never should
Whenever I get this way I just don't know what to say
Why can't we be ourselves like we were yesterday

I'm not sure what this could mean
I don't think you're what you seem
I do admit to myself that if I hurt someone else
Then I'd never see just what we're meant to be

Every time I see you falling
I get down on my knees and pray
I'm waiting for that final moment
You say the words that I can't say

Every time I see you falling
I'll get down on my knees and pray
I'm waiting for that final moment
You say the words that I can't say [end on C]

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Heart of Geravive-part 1

It's started with once upon a time, like an ordinary fairy tale. In a little village, lived a girl who are blessed with an honorable gift that was locked in her pendant. It has been said that the one who holds the secret power will be picked as the ruler of the village. When she turned 18 and met the man of her dreams. That power will be released and the village will be at peace.

Her name is Cross Geravive. She is an ordinary girl who loves adventures. When she was still 5 years old, she climbed the palace wall and met The Prince of The Kingdom. The prince was 7 years old that day. And they played together.
"My name is Cross, and who are you?" she asked.
"I'm Prince Edward Feradime..." he answered with the dignity of an heir.
"You are the Prince?" asked Cross.
"Yes I am..." he answered.
"Wow! I finally meet the Future King!" she said cheerfully.
"Thank you, no one ever said that to me!" he said and smiled.
"You are welcome, my prince" she said. Since then Cross and Edward had been friends. Not only that, Edward had also fallen in love with Cross. But, because Cross is still a little stupid about love, he never told her about his feelings.

10 years had past, and they are still friends. And one day,
"Edward!" said Cross with her glimmering and shiining eyes.
"What is it Cross? I have never seen you so happy!" said Edward with his smile and kindness.
"I have some good news! I know my Father is still alive! Let's look for him!" Said Cross with her breath slowly catching up. Cross had a family that fell apart. She had a father who left home and never came back 8 years ago. Not only that, her mother told her that her father is also dead and will never came back.
"Your father is gone and will never came back" said her mother with her strange accent.
"Really mom? Then I will stay here with you and Ed!" said Cross. And about one year after her father dissapeared, her mother died because of a murderer. After that, Cross were blessed with the power that time. And she didn't cry at all, because Edward is beside her and the pendant kept her warm all the time. But this time, she looked very happy. And Edward notice that.
"I am sure you are so happy that you came all the way here, just in time for my sword practice." he said.
"I am sorry, did I interupted your class?" said Cross with her frowning face. Seeing that, Edward quickly answered.
"No, you are not bothering me at all, I was already finished. Is that right, sensei?"
"Right Your Majesty. Well, I will leave you two alone then..." Sensei Takuma said.
"Oh, okay then. When shall we go to search for dad?" said Cross with her happy face.
"We meet tomorrow at dawn to prepared for our journey" said Edward with his small smile.
"Where will we meet then?" asked Cross.
"At my room, okay?" whispered Edward.
"That tickles! Okay! Let's meet at your room, tomorrow at dawn?" Said Cross giggling.
"Okay! see you tomorrow, at dawn outside my room" he sadi. She ran into the gates and climbed it over. Waving goodbye to Edward and vanished into the light.

At Dawn, Coss was already outside Edward's room. She already packed her bags and ready to leave for an expedition in search for her father. She knocked Edward's door softly. Edward came and smile to her. He asked her to come in for tea and wait for him.
"Just wait here and let me do the packing" he said to Cross softly.
"Okay! But be quick please Ed... I can not wait to see my father when we find him!" said Cross coming inside Edward's room.
"Right! I think we need to bring a map and then..." said Edward while he was searching for his bags, clothes, and other equipments. Nothing more exciting than an Adventure to Cross. While Edward, he just want to make Cross happy and comfortable at all tiime.
"Okay, let's leave quitely, like in the dectetive books we read all this time..." whispered Edward.
"Alright! The journey is on!" said Cross. They sneak out of the room and climbed the gate. Just when everyone in the village and the kingdom was still asleep.
"So, where should we go?" asked Edward.
"Well, I see him in a news. He is on an Island called Gorandozen, somewhere in the East of The Northern village, just beside The Haverna Island, I think. That is all that I can remember." explained Cross to Edward.
"Wow, your geography is getting better, okay then come on. We are going to the Shipyard and buuy a boat for our journey, you agree?" Said Edward softly.
"Okay! Thanks a lot for your help Edward! I have never found a guy like you since the first time we met..." said Cross suddenly crying in tears. Cross hugged Edward and smile, "Thank you Edward, you are the best!!"
"You are welcome, now let's go before everyone looked for us..." said Edward, with a little blush in his face.
"What do you mean Edward?" said Cross with her face all worried and confused.
"Well you see," Edward started explaining. "I ran away, I did not tell my father. You see..." Just when Edward started to talk again, Cross Interupted him by smiling and said "Oh, just for me? Thank you! that is so sweet of you, now shall we go?" She wiped up her tears and let go of her hug. Edward stopped and held Cross hand.
"Yes, come on! Our journey had just begun!" He said it out loud to Cross.
"Yes it is!" Said Cross. And that is when everything is going out of plan. Just at the shipyard...

Story by: Fathiyah Hakim Sagitaningrum (me) and Nurfitri Azhri Miranti (my friend)
Edited by: Almira Isnanda (a friend of mine?)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The little star and The Little Boy

Once upon a time, lives a little star named Ashney. She was always being scolded by her friends that she ran away from the star world. After a while, she finally realized that she anded on the human world. There, she founded a litte boy with a sad face. They had a little talk and introduce themselves.
"Hi, i'm Ashney. I'm from the Star World. And who might you be?"
"I'm Rory. Can you tell me why you are here? I mean, if you don't mind?"
"Actually, i ran away from my world..."
"That's pretty sad, I also ran away. But, from my house actually."
"What's wrong?"
"I was always been the victim of bullying at school. And because I am such a crybaby, my friends also scolded me and left m aone. That's why Iran away..."
"That's pretty sad. Are you sure you are okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. I felt much better after I told my story to you..."
"Maybe I felt much bette too. Actually," There was a long silent moment untuil Rory started to talk again wih tears in his face. "I...I...I...I... took my parents ring and brought it to school and I...I...I...I... lost itat the park near here. When I told this story to my friend Amy. She... she... she... scolded me too. And... And... and.. she left me. And because I'm afraid to see my parents. I ran away." They cried together for a long time. Before they knew it, it was already midnight.
"I felt much better now. Do you want me to help you look for the thing that you lost?"
"Thanks a lot." So they went to the park. There, Rory saw a familiar people and shouted out loud.
"Amy!!! What are you doing here?! It's already midnight!!"
"Rory?! I'm so sorry about that evening. I was so dissapointed with you, I left you alone. I felt so guilty that I came back here and search for it again..."
"That's Okay, don't cry alright? It is also my fault that I lost it. Here, I brought a friend to help us find it..."
"Really? Would you hel us find it?"
"Yes I will"
"Hey don't cry, okay? It's not your fault anyway...."
"Okay. See, I'm smiling now... Happy?!"
"That's the Amy I know. So Ashney, can you help us find the ring?"
"With pleasure!!!" They search High and Low and everywhere around. Until in the next few hours after their search...
"It's already 2 o'clock in the morning. Let's go hme, shall we?" Then Ashney shouted loud enough until Rory and Amy heard her.
"Maybe It's the ring! Let's get it!!!" So they dug the place up. And guess what? They really found the lost ring. After saying goodbye, Rory and Amy went home safely. That left Ashney alone in the dark and scary place.
"I think it's time to go home now. I really wish I had another friend at school" With a sighing sound, she went home and slept quietly until the other day. When she woke up, she realized that someone can't be friends forever. That 100 Friends are not enough and 1 enemy is enough just like they said to children. So, she asked her mother to moved their house to another avenue.
There, she founded so many friends. She was not a cry baby anymore and they lived peacefully for the rest of their life. How about Rory and Amy? Did they get a happy ending? Of course they did. They had a relationship and in the end they got married. And they lived happily ever after. Just like every fairy tale should end. RIGHT??