Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Amerald a heavenly and deadly place - part 4

"As you can see here, Amerald is divided into three worlds. Amerald itself have a sky as red as blood but the grass is so peaceful and beautiful. Amerald is for the muderers that I told you before. The second world is Zarelard, it has a beautiful sky, beautiful people, and a beautiful life. Although the people there is very dispicable and can not be trusted by their looks. The last world is for the workers like me. We live in a time, when there is no past and no future to see. The world called Xezaminald that has the black sky." Explained Izara. "Now for your souvenir...." she rubbed her pockets and there are two keys that she hold. One key is white and the other key is black and white. "Becareful, from this world to your world..." she stopped for a while.

"Yes?" I finally asked her because she is taking too long to think.

"You will need to go trough this three worlds. This keychains will help you both... here take it.." she said to us. I took the white key and Tim took the black and white key. We hang it on our hips so it won't get off so easily.

"Goodbye and so long! Thank you for your visit!!!" she then pulled a rope that made me and Tim fell into the world where the sky is as red as blood. Yes, it is Amerald.

"So Tim what should we do now?" I asked Tim that have been quite for the time.

"Enjoying the trip of course! Anyway, hold on to your keychain... I think it is important..." He said with his glimmering eyes! And believe it or not, his eyes are glimmering with light almost like in the comic books! It is very incredible...

"Okay! Let us start the journey now!" I said in a very full of energy and then I got depressed again somehow. "But where should we head for?" I asked Tim.

"To the north!" he said suddenly with full power. "There is a message from Izara! Look here!" he said again asking me to join him with his hand.

Dear Azaran and Tim,

I am sorry, I forgot to tell you that you should head north. There will be a gate to the next world there. Here is a map of Amerald, Zarelard, and Xezaminald. And I have given you a compass too. And please keep this letter, I will write to you oftenly to tell you about every information that you needed. Please becareful.

xoxo- Izara Loramalde

"That is kind of her! Well, let's see! It seems that we should turn right and go on forward. And there will be a gate to the next world! This map is really helpful. Okay Tim, let us go home!" I said with full of my energy.
"Okay..." said Tim with a smile. We then walked along the path to the gate. Not long after that, we found a citizen of Amerald or in other words are murderer.
"You have a smell of innocent people..." he said sniffing around. "You two are not from here, are you?" he continued with his scary looking face. He had a black wavy hair and a scar on his face. He wear an orange jumpsuit and had a name tag that said "I'm Torry, ready to die?". I looked around us, the other citizens are busy with the robots that Izara explained to us. But this Torry guy came to us with a knife, just ready to kill us anytime. Especially that he knows we are from another world. Just as I suspected, he is ready to kill us. He take a lead and run towards us. Just as his knife are very close to me and Tim, the key shines! It shined so brightly that this Torry guy closed his eyes and step back a little. At that time I was surrounded by the light and felt very warm. And I saw Tim surrounded in darkness, but he looked happy just like me. But I do not know what will happen next after this warm feeling...

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