Sunday, September 27, 2009

home is where the heart is

"home is where the heart is"
yes, i know that this is certainly a common sayings. But do understand that it is a very important quote. How about a little story.

I seldom went on an adventure with my boyfriend, Dave. He is sweet and always protect me whenever i'm in danger.

"Trace, let's go! We are going to investigate some cases in south africa now!"

whoops! Let's get going!
You see, we are traveling around the world to collect samples of new illness on animals. Especially the wild ones. My parents died on a trip to Europe.

That made me sad and i almost promise myself not to go anywhere except in my hometown, Seattle. But then i went to medical school for animals and met Dave. He showed me all the wonders of the world, making my life much brighter.

After we graduate, we made ourselves into a relationship and work at a near hospital. We then decided to travel and help animals (also people that are injured because of them) around the world.

Even if i am far from my hometown and went to many places. I never fear the word home sick. Because i know that Dave would be with me and protect me with all his strength. That's because, my home is when i am with him. Yes, home is where the heart is.

Well guys, Trace sure is lucky! Do you understand the quote now? I hope so... Enjoy your life!


satu huruf
tak mengungkap sebuah arti
tiada makna yang berarti

satu kata
tersebut perasaan
terurai dengan huruf
terukir indah di dalamnya

satu frase
tak terhingga maknanya
menyayat hati
mengukir senyum
sejenak dalam kepastian

satu kalimat
tampak cerita yang indah
pemandangan yang terbayang
tak bisa terlupakan

satu paragraf
suasana terasa
mendalami kata demi kata
menjadi sosok yang ada

satu cerita
usai sudah petualangan
kembali menutup mata
sang buku yang aman

sekarang ku berdiri sendiri
memandang langit penuh cerita
dimana bahasa bukan penghalang
melainkan penyatu bangsa


i thought
friendship will make it brighter
smiles will always be there
carved by their faces
staying there always

but it wasn't
emotions destroyed the peace
anger made the smiles upside down
while the atmosphere got darker

betraying one another
making teardrops turn red
slashing the trust that we built
with honor and respect

the wall got taller
separating one and another
frightened the people who believe

we all make mistakes
we have to accept reality
keeping hopes united with faith
where we gain trust

uncontroled emotions will only bring darkness
following the sins to hell

the heart will show some light
even if it just a slight
so trust each other
and don't go on your own

keep the treasure
together in faith
trust the heart
follow the wings

Saturday, September 26, 2009

one centimeter each day

At first
The darkness kept me companied
Alone in it for eternity
Shall I be captived

A shining tear fell
Making me one centimeter closer
To an emotion called sadness

A light made it through the dark
Showing a smile
Making me one centimeter closer to happiness

The way my hearts beat so fast
Scared of my loneliness
Making me one centimeter closer
To a strange fear

The way I want to be touched
Freed from the dark shadow
Making me one centimeter closer
To the warm light

In the end
I'm one centimeter closer
To you...