Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Fatal Frame IV

So, I was just looking through a website and then I found the trailer of Fatal Frame IV, that will come out in wii (damn)... Anyway, these are some of the trailer that I found in YOUTUBE:

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Death Diary

21:57 Tuesday, 3rd June

I sleep like a log...
I somehow did not even care if i am still going to be alive tomorrow...
Now, I only wished he would be here, cheering me to write more than this...

12:17 Wednesday, 4th June

I have gone to school and went home. I picked little Ehna and went to my room. I never liked school and only went there because there is a memory about him, who was dead a year ago. Now, I am waiting for the Grim Reaper to come and take my soul...

13:53 Wednesday, 4th June

My somewhat called friend came and asked me for lunch. I accepted her offer and put Ehna on her own, up on my bed. I placed a fake smile and ate lunch with her, thinking about him. We always had a picnic under the tree on my backyard. He always smile and brushed my long and dark brown hair softly while I looked at the beautiful sky.

Suddenly, my friend shoook my shoulder and woke me up from my sorrowful day dream. It made me into a much horrible and desperate emotion.

02:03 Thursday, 5th June

I woke up suddenly and looked at the clock closely while rubbing my tiring eyes. It is still dark outside, with the moon shining over my dark and horrible room. I never knew that the night would be so cold. I look at the calendar in a glimpse. He was killed today by me and his funeral will be tomorrow. It will be one year of his death tomorrow. My tears came down from my eyes, one by another through my cheek. I wiped my tears and sleep once more.

17:11 Thursday, 5th June

I was walking through his house and saw him mother, who was cleaning his room. She saw me as she closed the window with a very quick speed. I know that she always hate me, as she knew that i am the one who killed her first, valueable, and beloved son. I ran as quick as I can towards my home and hide myself in my bedroom, letting my mom screamed at me. And there I was in my room, mourning in front of his picture.

07:00 Friday, 6th June

I woke up and get ready to his grave. i dressed all in black and went to a flower shop. His family already stood there, mourning and calling his name. I step aside and hide until they are gone. I fell asleep behind a tree.


"Cadra, please wake up... come to my grave and give me a smile..."

08:00 Friday, 6th June

His family were gone, so I got closer to his grave and placed the flower I bought earlier. I pray for his safety in the underworld and cried. I felt guilty for killing him in the past. He asked me to kill him, because he had a strange and dangerous illness that will make everyone around him dead as he touched them, including me. I agreed with a little drop of tear and killed him as quick as lightning, with him smiling to me and said, "Thank you, Cadra..."

His mother saw me and had me into the jail. I've paid my dues and was freed, but my feeling for him won't change.


After crying for a while, I felt him standing right next to me. Then I feel like I was floating around in the sky. When I met the Grim Reaper, I only smiled at him, as he laughed out loud and ripped me apart.


I am now dead. My soul and my body had been separated. But I am not sad, because he was right next to me. He smiled as i hug him tightly. He welcomed me to the heaven of what you called purity and Joy.


Crada Leona


John Grevenia



Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Black Birdcage

I want to break my little birdcage...
That had kept me away from the sunlight
Long enough to make me sick and one with the darkness

I found you
Who led me to light
Who led me to a warm and cozy place

You open the cage
Set me free
Made me laugh
Made me smile
Made me love you

I haven't felt like this
In ages
In centuries
In my eternal sorrowful life

I've found many men
Who only stared at me
Talk to me
And cheered me

But only you
Who bring me into the light
Who bring me into a bright and colorful life

Now I know,
That this is what you call a crush

I never knew
That it will be a very fun feeling
That it will be a very undependable decision

Now I have made my choice
I will follow you into the light
Out from my dark past
Into my bright future

I am not alone anymore
I am not one of the incapable beings anymore
I am now a girl who dare to dream as high as I can

All of that,
Is because you light up my candle

Thank you...
You bring me a soul full of light
Made my future more colorful

Together with you
Holding hands

Friday, April 3, 2009

The man who travelled for her

(picture taken from: http://www.google.com)

"Hey there mister, do you know what this little blade can do to your life?" a bear asked a man, who was walking through the dark and misty forest of Chandele. The bear was small enough, like a little teddy bear, except for the reason why he brought along a knife behind him.
"It can make me dead.... I have one too...." said the man with a smile. SLASH! the man slash the little bear and took out it's heart. He carried the knife and went on with his journey. He had a short brown hair with eyes as dark as the sky that night, synchronizing with his pale white beautiful skin. He walked through the trees, across the black colored river, when he met a little girl with a touch of blood around her.
(picture taken from: http://www.facebook.com : Vampire Wars)
"Hi there mister, would you like to spin this wheel of fate and powers?" asked the little girl. The man only nodded with a smile and asked her what kind of consequences will it do to him. The little girl who introduced herself as MANDY laughed.
"It will either bring you a curse or a fortune spell.... But indeed, you have to pay with your delicious blood...." she said sweetly. The man nodded to her and slashed his arm with the knife he got from the little bear. The blood was gathered in a box by the little girl as the wheel spun around on its own.
"Powers... You have got yourself an immortal power from the elders... Congratulations... you may continue your journey..." she said while she made the man drank a box full of blood. "Don't even bother killing me, it's useless, 'cause I am a vampire..." she said. The man only grinned and continue his journey, passing through her and went into a mist. There, he met a little onion referee with a yellow card.
(picture taken from a site....)

"STOOOOP!!!" he said as he blew his little whistle and drew a yellow card out from his pocket.
"What is it this time?" the man said to the little referee. The little referee only laughed and asked him with a mischievous look.
"Do 20 rounds of push-ups if you want to pass the mist of sweat!" he said. The man only nodded as he grabbed his knife and put it on top of his head while he did his 20 rounds of push-ups.
While the referee looked down and unguarded, the man slashed him in two and made him like an onion slice. The man grinned and laughed a little while he continued his journey. Then he met an ending as he suspected. He was now on the shore, where his beloved Liona died years ago.
(picture taken from: http://www.deviantart.com)

"Eric, you have finally come to see me" the ghost of Liona appeared right in front of the man.
"Liona, I know that you have been waiting for so long... I am now here to marry you..." Eric said kindly as he bowed down and uncover a ring.
"Please, don't die with me... You have to be alive.... As long as you are happy and alive, I will be happy and always wait for you in heaven..." she said kindly as she disappeared slowly.
"Alright, I will do as you are told.... I will be going now..." Eric said as he leave the shore and went back to his dark and bloody life. Now the past had gone, the future will come, and I will be the same as always.


I won't die that easily

When you die,
I will stand right beside you

When you are alive,
I will be there
murdering you...

When you are in love,
I will be there
killing your loved ones

When you challenge me to death,
I will win
with your head cut off...

This world is full of demons
This world is full of dreams
This world is full of hopes
This world is not so fun

You will see...
I'll always be there
standing right besides you
when you have nothing at all

You will see...
I will be right beside you
Until your death came to find
and take you away from me...

I know I'm a little evil...
But I did it only...