Saturday, February 19, 2011

Study in Canada

Canada? Yup, Canada. It is a nation that is located up above USA in the world map or atlas ~ And as you can see, it is also a great place to see the stars, since it is close enough to the north pole, where it is a little colder that the other nations.
Now, let’s stop for a while and think about our future. For the time being, as Senior High School students, we all know that we will go to learn in a University in the near future, right? And, if you are the type of person that is bored with all of the system in your own nation, you must have a slight thinking about studying abroad, right? Well, here is a recommendation! You can study in Canada!

What Language does Canada use?

Generally, it is certainly important to know what kind of language that our destination’s nation uses. As a matter of fact, you can be in a culture shock if you don’t know about it. First of all, before we move on to any other things that we need to know about education, we must know what language is used in Canada! It is basically English and French. Well, if you can’t speak French that easily, you can go to a University that uses English as their basic language.


First of all, and it might be the main reason that you want to take, is that, IT’S CHEAP! Yeah! As a foreigner, we really have to consider money, right? Well, Canada is considered as a cheap place. It’s not only based from their view, but also by the United Nations ~ As you can see, Canada is considered as one of the best places in the world to live in! It is basically based on Canada’s achievements in education, life expectancy, national income, and also their general quality of life. And, it is also because of their fresh water, comfortable neighborhoods, and a health care system that is a model for the world-wide.

Above all, Canada’s education system is excellent and ranked among the best in the world! And as I told you before, its tuition fee is among the lowest in English-speaking countries. And don’t worry about work! You can work for up to one year after you receive any degree or diploma. And as an international student, you can also work with a work permit.

Okay, and also, according to a website of the Canadian Government, there are about 70,000 applicants from outside Canada in 2005. And from the year 2000, it is actually doubled ~ Now, isn’t that cool?


Well, as I say before, it is actually cheap, including the total of life expenses. Well, generally, the life expenses itself cost about CAN$400-$800 per month. And if you are actually looking for the total costs, maybe you can see this table right here:

It is taken from Study Canada. It is actually surveyed at 2003, but I still think that the price won’t be too far out from that, don’t you think so too?

Oh, you might also want to think of where you'll be staying there, right? There are some choices. Living in a dormitory, home-staying, or even stay at a house off-campus. Well, it's really up to you on where you want to stay. But, in order to press your living cost, may I suggest you to actually stay in the dorm? There are a lot of benefit of living there. First of all, you'll realize that it is much closer to the faculty that you might want to take, and then, you can also meet some friends that study the same subject as you do. You can socialize with them and also share some stories. Maybe that will get rid of all that home-sick thing that you might be afraid of :D

Faculty and University?

I’m glad you ask! Haha. In general, I have done some research about the top Universities there. And it is also said that there are some Universities included in Top 100 Universities in the World ~ Congratulations on McGill University for ranking the 19, University of Toronto for ranking the 29, University of British Columbia for ranking 44, and University of Alberta for ranking 78. For the best faculties? Well, University of Toronto has the best Law Faculty there. You can also go study MBA there in University of Toronto, with the rankings of about 580 score of TOEFL test.

And if you like agriculture, you might want to have at least IELTS 6. Or you can also go to the Faculty of Arts and Cultures, whether it is on University of Toronto or Carleton University. Actually, there are a wide range of Universities and Faculties to choose there. So, you just have to keep your eyes wide open and search for a lot of information there in the internet.

Oh, you might notice that I have mention University of Toronto so many times, right? Well, it is actually because University of Toronto is one of the favorite University in Canada :D

What should I do if I don't have enough money or preparation?

Now, that is the main point I'm trying to write here! XD As you can see, people always say "I am not capable of doing this or that". Now, by writing this kind of texts, you can get enough information and start your preparation right now. As you can see, you can start by trying out TOEFL or IELTS tests to see how far did you exceed in the time being. And if you don't have enough money, you can start working on something so that you can earn money. Or maybe, as I remember that we can't work part-time in Indonesia, we can just save our allowance from our parents. Little by little, you can reach the amount you needed to study abroad. It doesn't mean that if you are poor, you cannot go to school abroad. Don't forget that there are some scholarships there in Canada too. Just go search in the internet, read the material needed for the scholarship, and then do the best you can :D

What steps should I take so that I won't be lost in my mind?

First of all, you must know what interests you the most. This concludes the faculty you want to enter in the near future.
And then, sign up on the university, they may have an organization here in Indonesia, since we have an International connection world-wide and some ambassadors here, right?
Don't forget to make a visa, since you are studying abroad. There is a student visa, that allow students to stay without being questioned about their identity, in this case, you can also call it KTP in Indonesia.
After that, apply and take the tests, hopefully you can do it well and get the University you want :D So, don't forget to keep studying ~

So, where can I get more information?

You can go to CESI that stands for Canadian Education Services International. It is actually, emm, what do you call it? Well, I call it an organization, maybe. Anyway, it provides you the detail, including costs and also benefits, other than what I have mentioned earlier. You can also go on a summer camp or other programs similar like it from there. Just click: CESI and happy searching.

Well, I guess that is all that I can share with all of you right now. Upcoming post is about Canadian’s culture. Hope you have a great benefit and also help from this narrative I wrote :D

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